
Crash Bandicoot: Mind Over Mutant

Gameplay Cheats
     During Story Mode, pause the game and hold the block button, then
input  the  buttons on the D-Pad extremely quick to activate the code.
To deactivate the code, input the buttons again.

Cheat code:                   Effect:

Down, Down, Down, Up          Crash freezes anything he touches.

Left, Right, Left, Right      Crash looks like a shadow.

Up, Up, Up, Left              Enemies leave behind free Quad Damage.

Up, Down, Down, Up            Enemies leave behind free Special Fruit.

Up, Right, Down, Left         Enemies leave behind free Super-Kick.

Right, Right, Right, Up       Enemies leave behind free Wumpa Fruit.

Left, Left, Left, Down        Various body parts enlargen.

     Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

A Combo to Go (35)       Defeat 50 enemies in co-op mode

A Wumpa A Day (15)       Find a Crash health upgrade collectible

Big Shooter (10)         Fire a large projectile from the mask 
                         in coop mode
Break Them To It 
Gently (25)              15x combo scored

Can U Dig It? (5)        Enter an underground space

Chuck Is That You? (35)  Score a 20x mojo multiplier via combat combos

Crash Grab (50)          Collect all Crash voodoo dolls

Crash King (25)          Fully upgrade Crash

Crunched (25)            Beat Crunch Boss Fight

Don't Recycle (25)       Collect all Junkyard voodoo dolls

Duplex Crash (10)        Defeat 1 enemy in coop mode

Easy Does It (15)        Complete co-op balancing puzzle 
                         in Wumpa Island above the waterfall
Fashion Fury (20)        Defeat 75 Brat Girls

Follow Your Nose (25)    Stun 5 Sludges As Crash

Freezer Burn (25)        Collect all Ice voodoo dolls

Girl Power (25)          Beat Coco Boss Fight

Glass Is Half Full (50)  Complete 50% of the game

Goo Squared (20)         Fully Upgrade Sludge

Happy To See Me (5)      Store a Mutant in your pocket

Hot Stuff (25)           Collect all Wasteland voodoo dolls

Ice On The Cake (20)     Fully upgrade Ratcicle

It Took Two To 
Tango (15)               Complete coop balancing puzzle in the Wasteland

Lark In The Dark (15)    Beat all 10 levels of arena minigame 
                         in Mount Grimly

Multi-Tasking (5)        Store a Mutant while riding another one

N Is For Evil (25)       Collect all evil school voodoo dolls

Neo Is Getting 
Angry (50)               Beat Cortex Boss Fight

Night Fright (20)        Fully upgrade Grimly

No Place Like 
Wumpa (25)               Collect all Wumpa voodoo dolls

Oo Oo Ah Ah (20)         Defeat 75 Doom Monkeys

Over Easy (15)           Complete co-op balancing puzzle in Mount Grimly

P Stinking U! (20)       Fully Upgrade Stench

Roll It Up! (20)         Fully upgrade RhinoRoller

Shadow Boxing (20)       Defeat 75 Znu

Shell Shocked (20)       Fully upgrade Magmadon

Shoot the Works (20)     Fully upgrade Snipe

Slap on the Wrist (20)   Destroy 75 Slap-E robo-hands

Snow Blows (15)          Beat all 10 levels of arena minigame 
                         in Ratcicle Kingdom
Spike the Punch (20)     Stun 5 Spikes as Crash

Stand in the Sand (15)   Beat all 10 levels of arena minigame 
                         in Wasteland

Stone Cold Crash (15)    Stun 5 Ratcicles as Crash

T to the K (20)          Fully upgrade TK

The Dark Side (25)       Collect all Mount Grimly voodoo dolls

Whack-A-Nerd (20)        Defeat 75 Ratnicians

Would You Like Fries 
With That? (10)          Score a 10x mojo multiplier via combat combos

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