

Avatar Awards
CastleStorm T-Shirt
Finish the Campaign mode.
Sir Gareth’s Helmet
Protect the King and the Realm from the rogues.
Viking Helmet
Bring the war to Vikingland.
A Fistful of Hammers (25)
Unlocked 'Norsheim' in the Campaign mode.
Against the Machine (10)
Won a Skirmish battle on the most difficult AI setting.
All-Star (20)
Reached 100% completion in Campaign mode by obtaining all the stars.
Angry Demolition (5)
3 enemy rooms destroyed with one shot.
Budding Architect (5)
Battle won using a custom castle built in the Castle Editor.
Clear Eyes, Full Hearts (20)
Unlocked 'Mountain Entrance' in the Campaign mode.
Crowd Control (5)
x5 or higher multikill reached.
Dragon Slayer (10)
Killed a dragon with a hero.
Dropping Like Flies (5)
x10 or higher killing streak reached.
Eagle Eye (5)
Flag carrier killed with a Homing Eagle.
Fear No One (15)
Won an Xbox LIVE ranked match against a player with higher multiplayer level.
Fight in the Shade (5)
Shot 30 or more javelins within a shooting frenzy.
Friends in Large Places (25)
Unlocked 'Bladgard' in the Campaign mode.
Hard Hat Area (5)
Enemy troop killed by collapsing his own castle on him.
Here I Am (5)
Finished an Xbox LIVE ranked match.
It's About to Get Real (15)
Unlocked 'Dark Forest' in the Campaign mode.
Jewel Heist (15)
Unlocked 'Donkey Island' in the Campaign mode.
Northern Exposure (20)
Unlocked 'Viking Border' in the Campaign mode.
Peace... Forever? (30)
Finished the Campaign mode.
Return to Sender (5)
Enemy troop killed by a deflected projectile of his own side.
Rock Blocked (20)
Unlocked 'Mountain Passage' in the Campaign mode.
Saddle Up Your Donkeys (15)
Unlocked 'Ore Mine' in the Campaign mode.
Survival Honor (20)
Posted result on every Single-Player Survival leaderboard.
Taste of Victory (10)
Won an Xbox LIVE ranked match.
Ten Heads (10)
Made 10 headshot kills in a row.
The Family Business (25)
Unlocked 'Troll Village' in the Campaign mode.
This Mine Is My Mine (20)
Unlocked 'Creek Crossing' in the Campaign mode.
Troll Hunter (5)
Killed a troll with a hero.
Upgrayedded (10)
Upgraded a troop, projectile, spell or bonus room to its maximum level.
Vikings Gonna Vike (15)
Unlocked 'Kingskeep' in the Campaign mode.

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