
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger

Death From Above (10)
Kill 5 enemies when falling down through the air.
For a Few Skills More (25)
Unlock all skills in Story Mode.
For Massive Damage (secret) (10)
Shoot through a hole to kill an enemy that hides behind a shield.
Full Blast (10)
Kill a shotgunner with a close-range shotgun blast.
Grows In The Telling (20)
Complete the Story on hard difficulty.
Honor Intact (20)
Complete the duel challenge, winning all duels honorably.
Into the Sunset (secret) (20)
Forgive your lifetime nemesis.
Keep At It (5)
Unlock a skill.
Last Man Standing (25)
Complete the Story on True West difficulty.
Legend Among Legends (25)
Get all Arcade Mode stars.
Magnificent Three (10)
Score the maximum of 3 stars in any Arcade mission.
Perseverance (15)
Unlock both exclusive weapons in a single category of skills in Story Mode.
Quality Time (20)
Fight in Concentration for 15 minutes.
Righteous (secret) (10)
Find and kill Jim Reed.
Staying Afloat (secret) (10)
Discover a shipwreck in the Missouri swamps.
Swift Justice (10)
Win a duel honorably in under 0.6s.
That's How it Was (10)
Complete the Story on any difficulty.
The Tally (20)
Complete all Arcade missions.
There's More to It (secret) (10)
Find and kill Johnny Ringo.
This Time for Real (secret) (10)
Give it to them straight about your meeting with Pat Garrett.
Trick Shot (15)
Kill a bird during a winning duel.
True Story (10)
Find all Nuggets of Truth in a single mission.
Turkey Shoot (20)
Reach combo level of 20.
Ungrateful (15)
Shoot a flying stick of dynamite and the one who threw it on a single Concentration.
Unvarnished Truth (25)
Collect all Nuggets of Truth.
Violence Begets Violence (secret) (20)
Kill your lifetime nemesis honorably in a duel.

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