
Cabela's Trophy Bucks

     Complete  each  of  the  following  achievements below to get the
allotted gamerscore.

Unlockable:                   How to unlock:

Bronze Sharpshooter (100):    Complete the game with a minimum of 
                              Bronze on all missions.
Cats Award (10):              Use Laser Bullet 10 times.

Chillax Award (10):           Use Freeze Animal 10 times.

Deer Slam Cup (10):           Complete the Deer Slam.

East Master (20):             Complete hunting in 12 regions.

Gold Sharpshooter (200):      Complete the game with a minimum of 
                              Gold on all missions.
Gun Buff (50):                Unlock all weapons.

I Have the Power (10):        Use all Power-ups at least once.

Large Varmint Slam Cup (10):  Complete the Large Varmint Slam.

McGraw Award (10):            Use Quick Draw 10 times.

Molasses Award (10):          Use Slow Time 10 times.

Northwest Master (20):        Complete hunting in 4 regions.

Peeping Tom Award (10):       Use the Xrayl Cam 10 times.

Predator Award (10):          Use the Thermal Cam 10 times.

Silver Sharpshooter (150):    Complete the game with a minimum of 
                              Silver on all missions.
Small Varmint Slam Cup (10):  Complete the Small Varmint Slam.

South Master (20):            Complete hunting in 20 regions.

Southwest Master (20):        Complete hunting in 8 regions.

Turkey Slam Cup (10):         Complete the Turkey Slam.

Upgrade Pro (50):             Earn all unlockables in the game.

Upland Bird Slam Cup (10):    Complete the Upland Bird Slam.

Waterfowl Slam Cup (10):      Complete the Waterfowl Slam.

West Master (20):             Complete hunting in 16 regions.

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