
Birds of Steel

Blitz Attack (10)
Destroy 6 enemy bombers before they reach the Wake in the mission "Japanese Raid".
Bombshell (10)
Damage destroyer with machine gun fire in the mission "Invasion of Tulagi".
Brave Spirit (30)
Win a battle against superior forces in Versus mode.
Choose Your Favorite (30)
Fly in one of each country's planes.
Combat Pilot (40)
Earn the fifth rank
Defender (10)
Destroy 3 enemy bombers in each wave on Realistic difficulty in the "First Carrier Fleet" mission.
Eagle-Eyed (10)
Find the TF-17 carrier fleet in the "Counterattack" mission.
Fast and Furious (10)
Complete the first objective in less than 5 minutes in the "Tulagi Landing" mission.
First Wave (10)
Destroy all vehicles on Wheeler Field in the mission "First Wave".
Formation Keeper (10)
Stay near the flight leader all the way to the enemy fleet in the "American Strike" mission.
From The Far East (50)
Complete the Japanese Historical campaign.
Good Start (40)
Receive 5 medals
Guadalcanal (20)
Complete the Japanese chapter "Guadalcanal Campaign".
Half-Way (20)
Earn the tenth rank
Hedgehopper (10)
Destroy 5 light targets on Midway Island on Simulator difficulty in the "Midway Atoll" mission.
It Was Easy (20)
Land on an aircraft carrier.
Killer (10)
Kill 15 enemy infantry units in the "Battle for Henderson Field" mission.
Kuban (20)
Complete any mission in the Single Missions chapter "Battle for the Kuban".
Leader (30)
Win a battle in Versus mode as the leader.
Make a Flight (30)
Complete any mission in CO-OP mode
Malta (20)
Complete any mission in the Single Missions chapter "Siege of Malta".
Midway Atoll (20)
Complete the Japanese chapter "Battle of Midway".
New Decal (30)
Earn any decal for your plane
New Guinea (20)
Complete any mission in the Single Missions chapter "New Guinea Campaign".
New Record (50)
Destroy 100 planes
New Skin (30)
Earn any skin for your plane
New Weapon (50)
Destroy 100 ground units
Not a Victim (10)
Destroy two hostile fighters with the rear gunner in the mission "To Scratch One Flat-top".
One of a Few (10)
Land on the Zuikaku at the end of the "Battle of South Pacific" mission on Realistic difficulty.
Pearl Harbor (20)
Complete the Japanese chapter "Attack on Pearl Harbor".
Preparing (20)
Complete the Pre-War chapter.
Return to Oahu (10)
Make "Touch and Go" on Ford Island in the mission "Return to Oahu".
Rookie (10)
Earn the second rank
Ruhr (20)
Complete any mission in the Single Missions chapter "Battle of Ruhr".
Second Breath (10)
Rearm on the airfield between attacks on hostile ships in the mission "American Counterattack".
Second Wave (10)
Bomb two different targets by one loadout in the mission "Second Wave".
Sentinel (10)
Don't let enemy fighters destroy any bomber of your group in the mission "Attack on Lexington".
Sharp Shooter (10)
Destroy 5 enemy planes on Realistic difficulty in the "Battle of the Eastern Solomons" mission.
Survivor (10)
Land your damaged aircraft on the airfield in the mission "The Two Against Thirty-Nine".
The Australian (20)
Fly in each Australian plane.
The Coral Sea (20)
Complete the American chapter "Battle of the Coral Sea".
The Italian (20)
Fly in each Italian plane.
To The Far East (50)
Complete the American Historical campaign.
Total Annihilation (10)
Destroy at least 20 enemy bombers in the "Battle of the Santa Cruz" mission.
Untouchable (10)
Don't die in the mission "Shokaku Defense".
Wake Island (20)
Complete the American chapter "Battle of Wake Island".
Way of the Sun (10)
Complete the 1st secondary mission objective in the "Fate of Hiryu" mission.
Winner (20)
Complete any Dynamic campaign
You Will Be Ace (10)
You Will Be Ace

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