
Big League Sports

Baseball Master (50
Earn the Gold Trophies for all 3 Baseball Events.
Baseball Pro (25
Big League Baseball: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.
Basketball Master (50
Earn the Gold Trophies for all 3 Basketball Events.
Basketball Pro (25
Big League Basketball: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.
Befriended (5
Enter an Event with two or more Players.
Best Buddies (20
TD Toss: Score 2 Touchdowns with the same reciever during one play through.
Catching Pro (25
Fielding Frenzy: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.
Clutch Kicker (20
Field Goal: Score 2500 points or more with a single kick.
Driving Pro (25
Drive Contest: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.
Field Goal Pro (25
Field Goal: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.
First Try Guy (20
Big League Golf: Get a Hole-In-One on the Par 3.
Football Master (50
Earn the Gold Trophies for all 3 Football Events.
Football Pro (25
Big League Football: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.
Golf Master (50
Earn the Gold Trophies for all 3 Golf Events.
Golf Pro (25
Big League Golf: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.
Hello Big League Sports (5
Sign in to Big League Sports with a Gamer Profile.
Hockey Goalie Pro (25
Goalie Gauntlet: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.
Hockey Master (50
Earn the Gold Trophies for all 3 Hockey Events.
Hockey Pro (25
Big League Hockey: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.
Homerun Pro (25
Homerun Hero: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.
Mercy Rule (20
Big League Baseball: Defeated an opponent by 10 runs or more.
Putting Pro (25
Putting Challenge: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.
Scoring Pro (25
Score Kicker: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.
Sharpshooter (20
Shooting Challenge: Achieve a Hot Streak of 20.
Shooting Pro (25
Shooting Challenge: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.
Shot Blocking Pro (25
Shot Blocker: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.
Slapshot Pro (25
Slapshot Challenge: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.
Soccer Goalie Pro (25
Soccer Blocker: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.
Soccer Master (50
Earn the Gold Trophies for all 3 Soccer Events.
Soccer Pro (25
Big League Soccer: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.
TD Pro (25
TD Toss: Gain enough points to earn the Gold Trophy.
The Bouncer (20
Drive Contest: Hit 7 Trampolines during one play through.
The Enforcer (20
Shot Blocker: Perform 5 Monster Blocks during one play through.
The Golden Leg (20
Score Kicker: Achieve a Hot Streak of 10.
The Ringer (20
Homerun Hero: Make it through 10 Bonus Rings during one play through.
The Sniper (20
Slapshot Challenge: Score 3000 points or more with a single Slapshot.
The Stonewaller (20
Goalie Gauntlet: Achieve a Hot Streak of 14.
The Wall (20
Soccer Blocker: Achieve a Hot Streak of 15.

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