
Battle Fantasia

     Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.

Apprentice Hero (10)     Clear arcade mode.

Born of the Hero (20)    Clear arcade mode on the HARD difficulty setting.

Bringer of Presage (20)  Clear Deathbringer's main scenario in story mode.

Teacher of Magic (20)    Clear Cedric's main scenario in the story mode.

Color Collector (40)     There are hidden colors for each character.

Executive Decision (20)  Clear Donvalve's main scenario in story mode.

Finishing Blow (50)      You can't damange the End of Deathbringer 
                         without Heating Up, but you can still beat him!
Is This Love? (20)       Clear Odile & Dokurod's main scenario 
                         in the story mode.

Man of Shadows (20)      Clear Ashley's main scenario in story mode.

Man of Tomorrow (20)     Clear Freed's main scenario in story mode.

My Adventure Begins (20) Clear Marco's main scenario in the story mode.

Perfect Hero (100)       Can you survive the Apocalypse Flame?

Persistent Hero (20)     Clear arcade mode with no continues.

Prophet of Light (20)    Clear Watson's main scenario in the story mode.

The Chosen One? (20)     Clear Urs's main scenario in the story mode.

The End of Revenge (20)  Clear Face's main scenario in the story mode.

The Heroes Advance (20)  Clear Olivia's main scenario in the story mode.

Ultimate Hero (40)       Clear arcade mode on the VERY HARD difficulty 

Welcome! (20)            Clear Coyori's main scenario in story mode.

Get the Alternate Paths in Story Mode

Asley's Alt. Path        Complete one Taunt against Coyori.

Cedric's Alt. Path       Adjust your glasses five times against Marco. 
                         Done by qcb+Taunt.

Coyori's Alt. Path       Throw Freed at least five times.

Alt. Path                Finish Watson with Final Inferno.

Dokurod's Alt. Path      Taunt after defeating Coyori.

Donvalve's Alt. Path     Use Hip-de-don at least once against Coyori, 
                         and finish with a Super.

Face's Alt. Path         Use Texas Knee at least five times against Urs.

Freed's Alt. Path        Use Magnum Jetter at least five times 
                         against Marco.

Marco's Alt. Path        Finish Olivia with Dyna Rush.

Olivia's Alt. Path       Hit Coyori with a D attack (not Special 
                         or Super) at least ten times, and finish 
                         the match with one.

Urs's Alt. Path          Win by timeout over Olivia.

Watson's Alt. Path       Finish Cedric with Hip-de-Bunny.

Unlockable Character: The End Of Deathbringer
     Note:  This  character  is  only  playable  in VS 2P, VS CPU, and
Practice modes. After unlocking, on the Character Select screen, while
on  Deathbringer,  push  the  [A]  button  while  holding  [LT]  (Left

     The  End  Of  Deathbringer:  Obtain  100%  (Complete)  for  every
character in Story Mode

Alternate Costumes
     To  unlock  a  character's  Alternate  Costume, clear 90% of that 
respective character's Story Mode.

1st Alternate Costume:        Clear 50% of a character's Story Mode

2nd Alternate Costume:        Clear 90% of a character's Story Mode

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