Band of Bugs is an Xbox Live Arcade game.
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.
Unlockable: How to Unlock:
Recruit (10) Completed the Tutorial
Skilled (20) Used 25 skills or spells
Let Loose the Bugs of War (40) Completed the single-player campaign
Tactical Maneuvers (20) Earned five of every hit bonus type
outside of the tutorials
Wet Bug Smell (15) Defeated an opponent by knocking him
into the water
Big Game Hunter (10) Showed Barbarians up in food hunt
Third Time's the Charm (5) Won three multiplayer games
Gold Digging Ants (20) Earned 20 gold medals
Spider Tamer (10) Earned 30 points
in a single Spider Hunter game
Ice Maker (15) Froze 50 water tiles
Good Host (15) Hosted 10 multiplayer games
Bouncer (20) Won a scenario by knocking
all opponents out of playable area
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