

Various cheats
To unlock, you need to press the cheats button in the options or extras menu
Cheat code
club 505 games
club naturalmotion
Boys to Men (80)
Successfully complete all of the drills in Training Camp.
First of Many (10)
Pick up a 1st Down in a single player Exhibiition or League game.
Paydirt (10)
Score a Touchdown in a single player Exhibiition or League game.
Moving the Chains (40)
Pick up 500 offensive yards in a single player Exhibiition or League game.
Armed and Dangerous (10)
Stiff arm an opposing player in a single player Exhibition or League game.
A Spin Around the Block (10)
Spin around an opposing player in a single player Exhibition or League game.
Good Eye, Strong Arm, Safe Hands (20)
Throw 10 complete passes in a single player Exhibiition or League game.
The Last Gasp (10)
Convert a 4th down in single player Exhibiition or League game.
Stealing the Feeling (40)
Intercept the ball in a single player Exhibition or League game, without player switching.
From the Hurt, to the Dirt (10)
Tackle the ball carrier in a single player Exhibition or League game, without player switching.
Quarter Pounder, with Cheese (20)
Sack the Quarterback 3 times in a single player Exhibition or League game, without player switching.
Quarter Pounder (10)
Sack the Quarterback in a single player Exhibition or League game, without player switching.
To the Hizzy (40)
Score a defensive touchdown in a single player Exhibition or League game, without player switching.
In the Bag (20)
Win a single player Exhibition or League game.
Shut Out (60)
Win a single player Exhibition or League game without your opponent scoring.
Swaggerlicious (10)
Showboat for 20 yards in any single player game mode.
Season Finale (80)
Win the 32 team league in Season mode.
On the Up (60)
Win the 16 team league in Season mode.
Big Fish, Small Pond (40)
Win the 8 team league in Season mode.
Flawless (60)
Complete a season undefeated in Season mode.
End of the Road (80)
Complete Road to Backbreaker.
Half Wave There (40)
Reach Wave 50 in a single player Tackle Alley game.
Parting Wave (60)
Complete the final wave in a single player Tackle Alley game.
Hustle and Muscle (20)
Perform a x5 combo in a single player Tackle Alley game.
Invincible (20)
Perform a x5 streak in a single player Tackle Alley game.
Something from Nothing (40)
Create a Custom Team.
Online, On form (60)
Win 20 online Exhibition games.
Head to Head (20)
Win an online Exhibition game.
Create and Dominate (20)
Take a custom team online.

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