
Asura's Wrath

A Cry of Anger (15)
Activate Burst a certain number of times.
A Roar of Fury (20)
Activate Burst a certain number of times.
Anger Management (15)
Activate Burst for the first time in Episode 1.
Art Appreciator (15)
Get all the illustrations.
Be the Fist (20)
Achieve a certain percentage for your overall synchronic rate average.
Can't Touch That (20)
Perform a certain number of counterattacks.
Can't Touch This (15)
Perform a certain number of counterattacks.
CG Collector (15)
Get all the CG art.
Deity (90)
Complete all episodes with an S rank on Hard.
Demigod (30)
Complete all episodes with at least an A rank on Normal.
Denied (15)
Get scolded by your former master in Episode 10.
Enlightenment (0)
Unlock all ASURA'S WRATH achievements.
Fighter (30)
Complete all episodes on Normal or higher.
Guardian General (30)
Complete all episodes with at least an A rank on Hard.
Heads Will Roll (15)
Completely lose it in Episode 12.
Hit'Em Hard (15)
Defeat a certain number of enemies with a special attack.
Hit'Em Harder (20)
Defeat a certain number of enemies with a special attack.
It Takes Two (30)
Defeat Deus with Yasha in Episode 17.
Ka-ching! (30)
Accumulate a certain number of battle points.
Karma (10)
Complete Part III: Karma.
Lightning Reflexes (20)
Achieve a certain number of EXCELLENT synchronic impact rankings.
Like a Fish (15)
Knock back a few bottles.
Look Ma, No Eyes! (30)
Complete all episodes with a certain gauge equipped.
Mortal (15)
Achieve a D rank or higher on any episode.
Movie Buff (15)
Get all the movies and interludes.
Pain Is Universal (15)
Prove that you can take a beating.
Quick on the Draw (15)
Achieve a certain number of EXCELLENT synchronic impact rankings.
Rebel with a Cause (15)
Do what you think is right in Episode 13.
Rebirth (10)
Complete Part II: Rebirth.
Shinkoku Soldier (30)
Complete all episodes with an S rank on Normal.
Shut Up, Augus! (15)
Interrupt your former master's monologue.
Shut Up, Kalrow! (15)
Interrupt the old one's monologue.
Shut Up, Wyzen! (15)
Interrupt the fat one's monologue.
Sometimes I Feel Like... (15)
Find all the peeping toms at the hot spring.
Suffering (10)
Complete Part I: Suffering.
Taking Out the Trash (15)
Defeat a certain number of enemies with heavy attacks, lock-on fire, or both.
The Six-Armed Man (15)
Grow a few extra limbs in Episode 5.
The Truth Hurts (10)
Uncover the truth.
The Whole Nine (15)
Get all the gauges.
They Don't Stand a Chance (15)
Defeat a certain number of enemies while in Unlimited Mode.
Too Legit to Quit (15)
If at first you don't succeed...
Unstoppable Force (20)
Defeat a certain number of enemies while in Unlimited Mode.
View of the Valley (15)
Give in to your male instincts.
Warrior (90)
Complete all episodes on Hard.
Who Needs Health? (90)
Complete all episodes with a certain gauge equipped.
Achievements: Episode Pack: Part IV DLC
A Friend in Need (15)
Protect your brother-in-law in Episode 20.
Blaze of Glory (15)
Put an end to your wrath once and for all.
Daddy's Angry (15)
Defy the supreme being in Episode 19.
Gaea's Champion (90)
Complete all episodes in Part IV with an S rank on Hard.
How Do Ya Like Me Now? (15)
Receive a parting gift in Episode 21.
Nirvana (15)
Complete Part IV Nirvana.
Lost Episode 1 - At Last, Someone Angrier Than Me Achievements
A Rebuttal of Fists (15)
Complete all missions in Lost Episode 1.
Lost Episode 2 - The Strongest vs. the Angriest Achievements
An Everlasting Clash (15)
Complete all missions in Lost Episode 2.
True Episode 18
True Episode 18 S rank 5 episodes or complete 50 episodes after beating the game
True Episode 18
True Episode 18 S rank 5 episodes or complete 50 episodes after beating the game

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