Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live
Gamerscore points.
Unlockable: How to unlock:
The Eagle and The Apple - 1191 (100) Complete Assassin's Creed
Personal Vendetta (40) Kill every Templar
Keeper of the Lions Passant (25) Find All of Richard's Flags
in the Kingdom.
Keeper of the Creed (10 ) Find All Flags in Masyaf.
Keeper of the Four Gospels (20) Find All Flags in Jerusalem.
Keeper of the Crescent (20) Find All Flags in Damascus.
Absolute Symbiosis (45) Have a complete Synchronization
Fearless (25) Complete all Reach High Points.
Hungerer of Knowledge (20) See 85% of all the memory
Defender of the People: Acre (20) Complete every free mission
in Acre.
Defender of the People:Jerusalem (20) Complete every free mission
in Jerusalem.
Defender of the People: Damascus (20) Complete every free mission
in Damascus.
Conversationalist (20) Go through every dialog
with Lucy.
Disciple of the Creed (30) Assassinate all your targets
with a full DNA bar.
Eagle's Will (20) Defeat 100 opponents
without dying.
Eagle's Flight (20) Last 10 minutes
in open conflict.
Eagle's Prey (20) Assassinate 100 guards.
Blade in the Crowd (30) Kill one of your main targets
like a true assassin.
Eagle's Challenge (20) Defeat 25 guards
in a single fight.
Eagle's Swiftness (20) Perform 100 Counter Kill
in Fights.
Eagle's Dive (20) Perform 50 Combo Kills
in Fights.
Eagle's Talon (15) Perform 50 stealth
Eagle's Dance (10) Perform 50 leap of faith.
The hands of a Thief (15) Pickpocket 200 throwing knives.
March of the Pious (5) Use Scholar blending 20 times.
Eagle's Eye (15) Kill 75 guards by throwing
Enemy of the Poor (5) Grab and Throw 25 Harassers.
Gifted Escapist (5) Jump through 20 merchant stands.
Keeper of the Black Cross (10) Find All Teutonic Flags in Acre.
Keeper of the Order (10) Find all Templar Flags in Acre.
Keeper of the 8 Virtues (10) Find All Hospitalier Flags
in Acre.
Kill people without penalty
After you beat the game go on story mode and kill people and you
won't lose life.
Accessing the Conference Room
After the credits roll at the end of the game you'll get an
access code for the computer attached to the Animus. Once you hack the
computer, you'll see an inbox, outbox and deleted message. Look at the
inbox and choose the entry regarding the conference room. Now you can
go to the conference room and access it via the keypad.
Vidic's Access Pen
Before starting Memory Block 5, walk up behind Dr. Vidic and
press any button to steal his pen. This will grant you access to his
computer and emails.
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Прислал: Мельник Саша
Когда бьётесь на последнем уровне с Аль-му-Алимом, не пытайтесь убить его мечом - он в любом случае ускользнёт, убейте его скрытым ножом!
Знаете интересные коды на Assassin s Creed? Вам есть чем поделиться с другими геймерами?
В начале Assassin's Creed мне понравилась, но потом эти однообразные проникновения в города, задания "Спаси священника, и мы тебя проведем" стали откровенно доставать. Так же надоедают все миссии с подслушиванием и сбором информации. Но есть и плюсы. Это разнообразная система боя, каждый твой прием и удар в разных ситуациях выглядит по-разному. Так же плюсом является паркур, он в корне меняет геймплей игры. Еще игра понравилась мне великолепно спроектированными городами и реалистичным поведением AI. Не могу не сказать о замечательной графике, которая при запуске игры радует глаз. Assassin's Creed мне понравилась, но вышеописанные минусы несколько портят впечатление, поэтому 4.
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