
Ancients of Ooga

Avatar Awards
Healer's Mask: Complete the Trial Realm. There are 4 levels in the trial and at the end of the 4th one, you will unlock this award.
A Shocking Development (10)
Use the Harvest Chief, Diggi-dodo's power on a Booli.
Abracadabra, Alakazam! (20)
Transform a Booli using the Animal Chief, Ali-mali.
And Stay Out! (10)
Kick the Boolis out of Ooga.
Bone Collection (35)
Collect all of the bones of the Ancient One.
Death Defier (5)
Complete 22 levels without dying.
Dibs on the Drumstick (35)
Make a feast for the flappers.
Flotsam and Jetsam (25)
Completely flood a level using the Swimmer Chief, Fini-ni.
Join the Revolt (5)
Complete a split screen cooperative level.
Long Live Chief Berni-ni (5)
Revive the Fire Chief, Berni-ni.
Sober the Stinkers (15)
Get the stinkers off slugs.
Taste Tester (5)
Swallow 15 unique items.
The Way the Booli Crumbles (30)
Shatter a Booli into pieces using the Stone Chief, Te-tera.
Ancients of Ooga - The Forgotten Chapters Achievements
Comrade Crate (15)
Open the crate to discover the contents. You monster. (DLC)
Super Spear Hero (15)
Kill the baddest tuska in all the land. (DLC)
The New Boss (20)
Get the Glow Stone. (DLC)

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