
Alan Wake's American Nightmare

Avatar Awards
American Nightmare Hoodie
Purchase the Game and Meet Emma in the Game.
Night Springs T-Shirt
Unlock the first Nightmare Difficulty Arcade Level.
Old Gods of Asgard Tour T-Shirt
Complete Story Mode.
Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.
Cool It (20)
Make sure Dr. Meadows can take another look at the skies.
Enter the Nightmare (10)
Unlock all of the Nightmare Arcade Mode levels.
Escape! (10)
Escape the Taken to the motel.
Glorious Dawn (10)
Survive until dawn in any Arcade Mode level.
Happy Ending (25)
Rewrite reality for the last time.
One Day I'll Buy a Stapler (20)
Find all of the manuscript pages.
Pile 'Em High (20)
Defeat 2,000 Taken.
Poetry in Motion (20)
Get a six-minute survivor streak and over 100,000 points in an Arcade level.
Rewrite (10)
Rewrite reality for the first time.
Skill Beats Gun (10)
Survive an Arcade level using nothing but the flashlight and handheld flares.
Split Splat! (15)
Take out two Splitter spawns with a single shot.
Survivor (30)
Get 70,000 points in any Nightmare Arcade level.

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