Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore.
A Secret History (10): Complete "THE DAIMYO'S STORY".
Afro Samurai (5): Collect 5 mementos in "SCHOOL INVASION".
All That Stood Are Gone (45): Complete "THE EMPTY SEVEN'S STORY".
And so it begins (5): Complete "PRELUDE".
Ashigaru (10): Unlock 10 skills.
Bushi (30): Unlock 40 skills.
Closer to God (5): Slice an enemy using a Vertical Attack
with a bonus.
Completionist (200): Complete the game on both difficulties.
Copy-Cat Killer (35): Complete "THE DOPPELGANGER".
F*!# Gravity (5): Slice an enemy in the air.
Four to the Floor (10): Slice 4 enemies at once.
Give Me a Hand (10): Slice off an enemy's hand.
Gutshot Android
Straight (15): Complete an Android Straight Flush.
Hatamoto (20): Unlock 25 skills.
Hats Off to You (5): Slice off a head with a bonus.
Head to Toe (25): Slice 50 enemies using a Vertical Attack
with a bonus.
Hip Hop (10): Slice off an enemy's foot.
Hundred Head Hunter (20): Slice off 100 heads with a bonus.
I Am Rubber (10): Kill an enemy with a reflected bullet.
Kengo (20): Achieve 1000 kills.
Kensei (50): Achieve 2000 kills.
Kunoichi Suicide Queens (10): Complete a Kunoichi Straight Flush.
Let It Flow (15): Spill 2000 gallons of blood.
Love Lost (25): Complete "OKIKU'S STORY".
Made Hand Ronin (5): Complete a Ronin Straight Flush.
Mash Medley (5): Achieve a 20 hit combo.
Meijin (5): Achieve 100 kills.
No Limit Ninjas (10): Complete a Ninja Straight Flush.
Off Suit Samurai (25): Complete a Samurai Straight Flush.
Revenge Served? (50): Complete "JUSTICE'S STORY".
Rhythm Section (20): Achieve a total of 3000 combos.
Slow Your Roll (5): Slice an enemy during their attack.
The Child Without a Name (5): Collect 5 mementos in "THE DAIMYO'S STORY".
The Death Bringer (5): Collect 5 mementos in "THE DOPPELGANGER".
The Death of Innocence (15): Complete "SCHOOL INVASION".
The Demon of Vengeance (5): Collect 5 mementos in "OKIKU'S STORY".
The Number One (100): Unlock all skills.
The Number Two (5): Collect 5 mementos
The Past Laid to Rest (40): Complete "KUMA'S STORY".
The Path to Godhood (30): Complete "THE LOWDOWN EAST PASS".
The Price for Vengeance (20): Complete "SWORD MASTER'S STORY".
The Samurai Ghost (5): Collect 5 mementos
This Little Piggy (10): Slice off fingers and toes at the same time.
Three-way (5): Slice 3 enemies at once.
Torso From Tail (15): Slice 50 bellies.
Two Birds One Sword (5): Slice 2 enemies at once.
Widow Maker (5): Collect 5 mementos in "KUMA'S STORY".
You Are Glue (10): Kill an enemy with a sliced bullet.
Unlockable Hard Mode and Treasure Gallery
Clear the game on story mode to unlock the second difficulty
and the treasure viewer.
Unlockable Hard Mode and Treasure Gallery
Clear the game on story mode to unlock the second difficulty and
the treasure viewer.
Display Stats
During gameplay, click the both analog sticks at the same time to
display game stats.
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Отличная игра, в стиле комиксов и фильмов "Убить Билла", "Город грехов" и проч. с хип-хоп музыкой и стильными главными героями а-ля США 70-х (откуда, впрочем, взят и сам стиль рисования упомянутых комиксов). Отличная озвучка (Сэмюэль Л. Джексон, к примеру). Afro Samurai не претендует на симулятор совершенно. Просто бодрый и красочный экшн; море крови и отрубленных конечностей совершенно не напрягают. Немного обламывает малый запас приемов и только один вид оружия. Также хотелось бы иметь "умную" камеру, которая выхватывала бы самые красивые ракурсы в определенные моменты. Объективно, оценка по 5-бальной шкале: от 3+ до 4-
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