
Ace Combat Assault Horizon

Ace of Aces (30)
Obtain an A rank for every mission (free mission).
Aerial Sniper (20)
Use DFM to destroy 10 airborne enemies in competitive online.
All Rounder (30)
Obtain all MVPs.
Bail Out (20)
Escape from a dangerous situation.
Berserker (20)
Eliminate your enemies to open a path for your allies.
Bomber Master (10)
Fly a bomber and eliminate a large number of hostiles.
Calamity (10)
Used Trinity to wipe out the enemy (free mission).
Category 5 (20)
Chase the enemy through a hurricane.
Chain Master (20)
Master the assault chain and take down hostiles one by one.
Checking In (10)
Fly through the hotel gates.
Critical Hit (25)
Take down a hostile fighter with a charged homing missile.
Defender of World Heritage (20)
Provide close-range aerial support to wipe out hostile ground forces.
Diverse Strikes (15)
Defeat hostiles with all 3 of the gunship's weapons.
Eagle Eye (20)
Successfully focus on 3 targets.
Emergency (20)
Deal with an emergency situation.
Fearsome Guardian (20)
Protect allied ground forces with the gunship's firepower.
Fire Hazard (20)
Pass through an explosion and destroy the enemy.
Formation Attack (20)
Join the same DFM with two others and shoot down a hostile (mission co-op).
Friendly Fire (20)
Perform a risky move to save your friend.
Ground Pounder (20)
Use ASM to destroy 30 ground enemies in competitive online.
Guardian (20)
Thwart your enemy's plans and return alive.
Gun Master (15)
Massacre hostiles as the door gunner.
Guns Guns Guns (20)
Destroy 5 hostile vehicles with helicopter gunfire.
Hard Strike (20)
Wipe out hostile ground forces with ASM.
Hot Pit (20)
Defend the allied base.
Interceptor (20)
Use an attack helicopter and destroy 10 missiles or bombs in competitive online.
Life Saver (20)
Use an attack helicopter to rescue the captured pilot.
Limbo (10)
Fly beneath a falling chimney.
Machine Gun Faithful (10)
Use the standard machine gun to defeat an enemy.
Nice Assist (10)
Use DFM support or ASM support to join a flight member.
Nice Kill (30)
Shoot down many hostile players in competitive online.
Nice Save (10)
Save an ally being targeted by hostile players in competitive online.
Nick of Time (20)
Prevent the launch of ICBMs by infiltrating the enemy base in a stealth bomber.
One Million Tons of Scrap Metal (20)
Weave through a hostile fleet's defense and rescue the hostage.
Patriot (20)
Defend the capital.
Pursuit Master (20)
Successfully pursue 3 enemies with counter maneuvers.
Shot Master (20)
Take down 5 hostiles with a direct shot.
Smooth Flight (20)
Protect allied transports from being shot down during landing.
Speed Demon (10)
Eliminate the enemy threat to fighters as quickly as possible.
Stay On Target (20)
In a helicopter, obtain (zoom in) and destroy 10 enemies.
Steel Hunter (20)
From a helicopter, support the special forces while they suppress hostile vessels.
Successive Kill (20)
Take down 3 hostiles in a row with an assault chain.
Switch Master (25)
Successfully switch from defense to offense 10 times with counter maneuvers.
The Collector (20)
Pilot all of the aircraft in the game.
Total Annihilation (20)
Eliminate all bombers and prevent the use of a weapon of mass destruction.
Veteran Pilot (20)
Play for an extensive amount of time in competitive online or mission co-op.
Warwolf 1 (50)
Clear all missions.
Warwolf Squadron (30)
Clear all levels in mission co-op.
Welcome to Mission Co-Op (20)
Clear 1 level in mission co-op.
World Tour (30)
Play on all maps in competitive online.
Call Sign Unlockables
This is how to unlock the call signs for multiplayer in Ace Combat: Assault Horizon.
Obtain a total of 1000000 points
Obtain 1 survivor reward
DFM support 100 times
Win 20 Capital Conquest matches
Shoot down more than 100 enemy players
Win 10 Capital Conquest matches
Obtain 1 Ace Striker reward
Obtain 5 Ace Pilot rewards
Complete the campaign
ASM support 50 times
Shoot down more than 100 enemy players online while using an attack helicopter
Obtain 5 Hero rewards
Obtain 1 Hero reward
Obtain a total of 100000 points
Place first in a Deathmatch
Use DFM support more than 50 times
Obtain a total of 300000 points
ASM support 50 times
Obtain 1 Ace Pilot reward
Win 10 Domination matches
Obtain 5 Survivor rewards
Shoot down more than 50 enemy players online while using an attack helicopter
Obtain a total of 600000 points
Obtain a total of 20000 points
Obtain 5 Ace Striker rewards
Shoot down more than 50 enemy players online

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