
Unreal Championship 2: The Liandri Conflict

Cheat Menu:
     At  the  start  screen  hold L + R and press White then the cheat
menu should appear.

Play as Anubis:
     Successfully complete the Ascension Rites ladder.

Play as Brock:
     Successfully complete the Lauren tournament ladder.

Play as Devastation:
     Reach rung 14 of the Ascension Rites ladder.

Play as Gorge:
     Successfully complete the Malcolm tournament ladder.

Play as Malcolm:
     Successfully complete one of each game type versus human competition.

Play as Raiden:
     Complete  all  fifteen  challenges  in  challenge  mode to unlock
Raiden from Mortal Kombat.

Play as Raiden:
     Successfully complete all challenge matches.

Play as Selket:
     Successfully complete the Ascension Rites ladder.

Play as Torgr:
     Successfully complete the Szalor tournament ladder.

Apophis bot:
     Complete rung 16 of the Ascension Rites ladder.

Calypso bot:
     Complete rung 5 of the Malcolm tournament ladder.

Corrosion bot:
     Complete rung 2 of the Anubis tournament ladder.

Darius bot:
     Complete rung 3 of the Szalor tournament ladder.

Hyena bot:
     Complete rung 7 of the Ascension Rites ladder.

Jackhammer bot:
     Complete rung 5 of the Arclite tournament ladder.

Judas bot:
     Complete rung 4 of the Sapphire tournament ladder.

Korig bot:
     Complete rung 3 of the Raptor tournament ladder.

Kraag bot:
     Complete rung 3 of the Lauren tournament ladder.

Memphis bot:
     Complete rung 5 of the Brock tournament ladder.

Mirage bot:
     Complete rung 5 of the Sobek tournament ladder.

Nepthys bot:
     Complete rung 6 of the Gorge tournament ladder.

Syzygy bot:
     Complete rung 5 of the Devastation tournament ladder.

Adrenaline Jumps mutator:
     Complete  rung  2  of the Lauren tournament ladder, and rung 3 of
the Selket tournament ladder.

Announce Power-Ups mutator:
     Complete rung 8 of the Raptor tournament ladder.

Double Adrenaline mutator:
     Complete  the  following tournament ladder rungs: Anubis 7, Gorge
1, Lauren 1, Raiden 1, Raptor 1, Selket 1, Sobek 10, Szalor 1.

Friendly Fire Damage mutator:
     Complete  the  Malfunction  challenge  or  one  of  the following
tournament ladder rungs: Arclite 6, Raptor 4, Sapphire 2.

InstaGib mutator:
     Complete  the  Sharpshooter  challenge  or  one  of the following
tournament ladder rungs: Ascension Rites 7, Gorge 9, Sapphire 3.

Looting mutator:
     Complete  the  Malfuntion  challenge  or  one  of  the  following
tournament ladder rungs: Arclite 2, Selket 8.

Low Grav/Low Grav All mutator:
     Complete  the  Taking  Flight  challenge  or one of the following
tournament ladder rungs: Devastation 2, Sapphire 5.

No Lock mutator:
     Complete  the  Graduation  challenge  or  rung  8  of  the Lauren
tournament ladder.

Quad Jump mutator:
     Complete  the  Taking  Flight  challenge  or one of the following
tournament ladder rungs: Ascension Rites 8, Arclite 8.

Radioactive mutator:
     Complete  the  Malfunction  challenge  or  rung  4  of  the Gorge
tournament ladder.

Random Pickup Respawn mutator:
     Complete  the  Malfuntion  challenge  or  one  of  the  following
tournament ladder rungs: Arclite4, Devastation 8, Gorge 8.

Retribution mutator:
     Complete  the  Graduation  challenge  or  one  of  the  following
tournament ladder rungs: Brock 9, Malcolm 5, Selket 7, or Torgr 8.

Rounds (Best of 3 or 5) mutator:
     Complete  rung  12  of  Ascension  Rites  or  rung 8 of the Torgr
tournament ladder.

Vampire mutator:
     Complete the Day Of The Vampire challenge

Volatile mutator:
     Complete  the  Malfunction  challenge  or  one  of  the following
tournament ladder rungs: Brock 6, , Sobek 4.

Wall Crawl mutator:
     Complete rung 3 of the Raiden tournament ladder.

Weapon Master mutator:
     Complete rung 3 of the Malcolm tournament ladder.

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