
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath

Cheat Mode:
     During  game  play,  insert  a  controller  in port 2. Remove the
controller  from  port  2  and  then  press  the  following buttons on
Controller 1: X, X, Y, Y, B, B, A, A. You will hear a sound if entered

God Mode:
     Enter  cheat  mode  (above)  and  then  press  the  following  on
controller  1: X, Y, A, B, X, Y. Your health meter will turn yellow if
entered correctly.

Add $1000:
     Enter  cheat  mode  (above)  and  then  press  the  following  on
controller  1:  Click  Left  Analog,  Click  Left  Analog, Click Right
Analog,  Click  Right  Analog,  Click  Left Analog, Click Left Analog,
Click Right Analog, Click Right Analog.

Enable Invincibile mode:
     After  activated  the  cheat mode, press X, Y, A, B, X, Y. If the
code  is  accepted,  the health bar will change to yellow and you will
hear  a sound of a guitar. Note: If you enabled this code, do not jump
into a spinning fan blade.

Select any Area:
     Enter  c@R&  as a player name. When you start a new game the area
selection screen will appear.

     Note:  The  special  characters  are  the  followings:  Copyright
symbol,  followed  by  @,  followed  by  Registered  Trademark Symbol,
followed  by  &.  Choose  the  "Symbols" option to input those special
characters. The area selecttor will appear after you accept that name.

Sepia color filter:
     With  only  a  controller  in port-1 inserted, push L, click Left
thumb-stick,  click Right thumb-stick, push A, B, R, B, A, click Right
thumb-stick,   click   Left  thumb-stick,  press  L.  Then,  insert  a
controller  into  port-4,  then remove it without doing anything else.
Re-enter the cheat code to deactivate the cheat effect.

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