Pause the game and press X, Left Trigger, B, Right Trigger, Back,
Y, X.
Cheat codes:
Enter these codes at the Enigma Machine.
Code: Result:
ENCHILADA Unlock Everything
BASS Unlock Mission 2, A Storm in the Port
STURGEON Unlock Mission 3, Needle in a Haystack
PIKE Unlock Mission 4, Several Bridges Too Far
TROUT Unlock Mission 5, Rolling Thunder
CATFISH Unlock Mission 6, The Horten's Nest
SALMON Get a Gold Medal on the previous mission
LONGVIEW Snipe-O-Rama, all weapons are sniper mode
KILLSHOT Silver bullet, One hit kills enemies
ONESHOTGUN Perfectionist, One hit kills you
CRANIUM Achilles' head, Enemies only dies of headshot
FLUBBER Rubber grenades
NOHITSFORU Bullet shield
GHOSTARMY Invisible Enemies
TOPFUN MOHton Torpedo
BACKSTAGER Making Of Needle In A Hay Stack FMV
BACKSTAGEF Making Of A Storm In The Port FMV
BACKSTAGES Making Of Several Bridges Too Far FMV
BACKSTAGET Making Of Rolling Thunder FMV
BACKSTAGEI Making Of The Horten's Nest FMV
FLIPBOOK Animation reel
Get the EA LA Medal of Valor:
Finish with a Gold Star in every mission.
Understand the Germans:
Turn on the subtutles in the Options menu to undertand what the
Germans are saying.
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