Various cheats
Unlock Cities for Road Trip Mode:
Go to the Press Start Screen and enter the following:
Boston - Y, Up, Down, Down, Up, Y
Chicago - Y, Up, B, Up, B, Y
Las Vegas - Y, R, Left, L, Right, Y
L.A. - Y, Left, B, B, Left, Y
New Orleans - Y, Down, Right, Up, Left, Y
Portland - Y, A, A, B, B, Y
Unlock Riders:
Go to the Press Start Screen and enter the following:
Big Foot - B, Right, Up, Right, Up, Y
The Mime - B, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left
Volcano - B, Up, Up, A, Up, Up, A
Day Smith- B, Up, Down, Up, Down, Y
Vanessa- B, Down, Left, Left, Down, Y
Unlock Rider Videos:
Go to the Press Start Screen and enter the following:
Cory Nastazio - R, Y, X, X, Y, Y, Y, R
Seth Kimbrough - R, Up, Up, X, X, X, R
Reuben Alcantara - R, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Right
Nate Wessel - R, Down, B, X, Down, B, X, R
Big Ramp - R, Up, Down, Left, A, A, A, R
Day - R, X, Left, Left, Y, Right, Right, R
Mat Hoffman- R, Left, X, Left, X, Left, R
Joe Kowalski- R, Up, A, B, Down, R
Rick Thorne- R, L, Right,R, Left, R
Mike Escamilla- R, X, A, A, X, A, A, R
Simon Tabron- R, L, L, R, L, L, R
Kevin Robinson- R, A, B, Down, Up, R
Unlock All Riders Videos - L, L, Down, R, A, L
Unlock Road Trip Videos:
Go to the Press Start Screen and enter the following:
Boston - Y, Up, Down, Down, Up, Y
Chicago- Y, Up, B, Up, B, Y
New Orleans- Y, Down, Right, Up, Left, Y
Las Vegas- Y, R, L, L, Right, Y
LA- Y, Left, B, B, Left, Y
Portland- Y, A, A, B, B, Y
Get New Outfits:
Go to the Press Start Screen and enter the following:
Elvis- X, L, L, Up, Up
BMX- X, B, Left, Right, Left, X
Get Vanessa Character:
Go to LA and look for the Girl sitting on top of a brick
building. You must do a 20,000 point adrenaline trick in front of her.
Get Volcano Character:
Finish the game using any character and Finish all objectives
Get Day Smith Character:
Go to OK city and go to the ramp that is put there with the fork
lift and into the secret garage. Now grind on the black box and it
will open into a vert ramp. Use that ramp, grind on the bullhorns and
jump into the small room and you unlock Smith.
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