Electra Swimsuit Card:
Enter THEHAND as a code.
All Fantastic 4 Comics:
Enter SavageLand as a code.
Unknown Effect:
Enter MONROE as a code.
Unknown Effect:
Enter Reiko as a code.
Unknown Effect:
Enter NZONE as a code.
Play as Brigade:
Successfully complete the Iron Man 3 mission in story mode.
Play as Daredevil:
Successfully complete the Daredevil 3 mission in story mode.
Play as Fault Zone:
Successfully complete the Storm 3 mission in story mode.
Play as Hazmat:
Successfully complete the Magneto 3 mission in story mode.
Play as Iron Man:
Successfully complete the Iron Man 3 mission in story mode.
Play as Magneto:
Successfully complete the Magneto 3 mission in story mode.
Play as Paragon:
Successfully complete the Paragon 3 mission in story mode.
Play as Solara:
Successfully complete the Venom 3 mission in story mode.
Play as Storm:
Successfully complete the Storm 3 mission in story mode.
Play as Van Roekel:
Successfully complete the Paragon 4 mission in story mode.
Play as Venom:
Successfully complete the Venom 3 mission in story mode.
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