Unlock Cheats:
Go to My Madden at the menu, select My Madden, then go to Madden
Cards. Select Madden Codes. Enter the case-sensitive code to unlock
the corresponding cheats:
Code: Result:
3F9G4J 3rd Down
3E9R4V 5th Down
N44D6E Bad Spot
J33I8F Bingo!
L96U8Z Coffin Corner
2W4P9T 1st and 15
2Y7L8B 1st and 5
3J3S9Y Da Boot
3D3Q3P Extra Credit
3H3U7F Human Plow
3H8M5U Super Dive
3D8X6T Tight Fit
2Z2F4H Unforced Errors
Madden Cards:
Get a "Gold" in the following drills in mini-camp mode to unlock
the corresponding card.
#3: All-Madden Chase and Tackle
#28: All-Madden Coffin Corner
#36: All-Madden Ground Attack
#40: All-Madden Precision Passing
#52: All-Madden Swat Ball
#96: All-Madden Trench Fight
#58: All-Madden Clutch Kicking
#16: All-Madden Pocket Presence
#194 (3rd Down): Rookie Chase and Tackle
#195 (Human Plow): Rookie Ground Attack
#197 (Da Boot): Rookie Clutch Kicking
#199 (Lame Duck): Rookie Swat Ball
#208 (Pocket Protectors): Rookie Pocket Presence
#209 (Penetration): Rookie Trench Fight
#210 QB (On Target): Rookie Precision Passing
#211 (Coffin Corner): Rookie Coffin Corner Punt
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