Earn Madden Cards With EA Bio
Gain levels in your EA Bio by completing specific challenges and
playing other EA Sports title to unlock Madden Cards. Unlockable Cards
Level 2: #204 Bingo! Cheat
Level 4: #246 1990 Eagles Classic Team
Level 6: #186 Steve Spurrier Coach
Play Football 101 to Earn Easy Tokens
One place to garner quick Tokens is Football 101. Run through all
of the plays in your playbook to get a substantial helping of Tokens,
which you can use to purchase Madden Cards.
Unlock Cheerleader/Pump Up Crowd Madden Cards
To unlock the Cheerleader/Pump Up Crowd Madden Cards, beat the
Game Situation in Mini-Camp. The team who you complete the challenge
with is the Cheerleader/Pump Up Card you will unlock.
Unlock Madden Cards in Mini-Camp
Get Gold in Mini-Camp challenges to unlock Madden Cards. Cards
directly relate to the challenges you complete. For instance, getting
a Gold in the Ground Attack challenge will yield a Priest Holmes Card.
Be sure to get Golds on all of the difficulty levels to collect all of
the cards!
Hint: Avoid The Cap
The salary cap is pretty easy to manipulate. If you don't like a
player for whatever reason, than re-negotiate his contract so that he
doesn't get a signing bonus. Than work out a trade with another team
and you won't take a hit against the salary cap for trading him.
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