Infinite Ammo:
Enter 1DDF2556 as a code in the cheat menu to unlock infinite ammo.
Infinite Health:
Enter 4516DF45 as a code in the cheat menu to unlock infinite health.
Infinite Focus:
Enter 69E5D9E4 as a code in the cheat menu to unlock infinite focus.
Double Movement Speed:
Enter FF00001A as a code in the cheat menu to unlock double
movement speed.
Easy level (submitted by Sebastiano):
This is not really a cheat but it makes a level a hole lot
easier. On the level on foot when you are running away from Agent
Smith you would usually have to go all the way round china town but if
you jump of the lorry trn left the run. All the way down you will see
some agents - just run them. Then after running passed them you will
see a ladder - go up that then go up all the stairs. Go through the
door, then go through the on your right. Then hey presto level
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