

Vectorman is a Wii Virtual Console game.

Maximum Health:
     Pause  the  game  play and push A, B, Right, A, C, A, Down, A, B,
Right, A on your controller.

Debug Mode
     Go  to the options screen, then push A, B, B, A, Down, A, B, B, A
on  your  controller. You will access to a new menu with level select,
health, lives and weapon options. By using this code, you can't finish
the game with the good ending.

Slower game speed:
     Pause  the  game  play  and  push Down, Right, A, C, Up, Left, A.
Re-enter the code to disable the cheat effect.

Start on Day 5 or 10 - Level Warp:
     Shoot the SEGA logo 24 times on the SEGA screen, jump and hit the
sega  logo with Vectorman's Head 12 times, and the letters S, E, G, A,
will start falling. Catch 90 to 110 letters to start on Stage 5, catch
more than 110 letters to start on Day 10.

Taxi Mode
     Pause  the game play and press C, A, Left, Left, A, C, A, B (Call
a  Cab) to transform to a small cursor. You can travel anywhere in the
level.  You  can kill enemies (except Bosses) this way. Pause the game
play and re-enter the code to disable the cheat effect.

Light bulbs
     Pause  the  game play and press A, B, A, C, A, B and press pause.
Four  lights  will  appear  around you which are indicate the field of
collission  detection. The light at the bottom inticates the colission
detection of Vectorman's jets.

Activate Invisibile/Invincibile mode:
     First  grab  a  bomb morph, and blow up Vectorman. Pause the game
play while Vectorman is still exploding and press C, A, Left, Left, A,
C,  A,  B. Resume the game, then pause again and press the C, A, L, L,
A,  C,  A,  B  code.  Resume  it, and Vectorman will be invincible and
invisible. Re-enter the cheat code to disable the cheat effect.

SEGA logo
     Go to the SEGA screen and move Vectorman slightly to the right of
the logo. Aim upwards and shoot. Shoot the a hidden T.V. monitor. When
the  monitor is broken, you will see an orb power up. Grab it and when
you  use  it,  the SEGA logo will go dark and the background will stop

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Автор: Варлам
Хорошая игра, в принципе, не надоедливая. Как залила месяц назад на свой Defender MultiMix Magic, так и висит - играю иногда. Важно, что Vectorman - игра не агрессивная. Вообще, современные игры слишком злые, тут как-то без кровищи и адских криков играть гораздо больше нравится.

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Страница: Читы на Vectorman для Wii

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