
Samurai Shodown

To play as the referee (in Samurai Shodown VI)
     In Samurai Shodown VI to play as the judge/referee in versus mode, 
all you do is press the + button on the Wii remote during the character 
selection screen.

Samurai Shodown Cheats
     Press D while a character is highlighted on the Character Selection 
screen: Different costumes

Extended Ending
    Extended ending: Complete the game without using a continue.

Samurai Shodown II Cheats
     Select 2 player mode. On the character select screen, press Up, Down, 
Left, Up, Down, Right + A: Kuroko is playable

Samurai Shodown III Cheats
     Play as Zankuro in 2-Player Mode

When selecting your character for a two-player game, with the cursor 
on Haohmaru, hold Start and move the cursor to each character 
in the following order:

Genjuro, Basara, Kyoshiro, Ukyo, Rimururu, Haohmaru, Shizumaru, Nakoruru, 
Hanzo, Amakusa, Gaira, Galford, Shizumaru

With the cursor on Shizumaru, wait until the timer reaches 03 
and then press A and B at the same time. You will have chosen Zankuro 
and will be able to use him for the next match only. 
If you win with Zankuro, you will be returned to the select screen 
to choose another character.

Samurai Shodown IV Cheats
     Hold down start, go to the Options menu, keep holding start 
and press A, B, C, and D on the Exit button: Blood Mode

During a round press Left, Right, Diagonally Down and Right, 
and then Down and Start at the same time: Die and start the next round 
with max POW

Fight Weaponless
     To choose to fight without your weapon, tap Start rapidly Three times 
during a fight. Your character will then set their weapon down.

     Commit the ancient art of Sepuku during a game by pressing left, right, 
down-right, and down during a match.

Samurai Shodown V Cheats
     Highlight Galford and press: right, left, right, left, left, right, 
right, left, left, right + any button: Play as Poppy 

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