

Regain health between rounds
     If you press - between rounds you will hear a chime. At the start
of the next round your health will increase.

Save yourself from a KO.
     When  you're KO'd and the animation starts, quickly press 1 and 2
repeatedly  (Wiimote  controls).  If  done  right  you'll get one more
chance. This only works once per fight.

Unlock Character Audio
     In Exhibition mode complete the 3 challenges on any character and
unlock their audio gallery.

Unlock Donkey Kong for Exhibition
     If  you  face  Donkey  Kong in Last Stand mode, you unlock him to
fight for Exhibition mode.

Unlock each boxer's Intro in the gallery mode
     As  you're progressing through the game, simply view each boxer's
intro and it'll unlock in the gallery mode.

Unlock Headgear
     Headgear: Lose 100 times total in single player mode.

Unlock other circuits and modes

Last Stand Mode:    Defeat Mr. Sandman in Title Defense Mode

Major Circuit:      Win the Minor Circuit Championship Title

Title Defense Mode: Win the World Circuit Championship Title

World Circuit:      Win the Major Circuit Championship Title

Regain health after knocking an opponent down
     If you press - between rounds you will hear a chime. At the start
of the next round your health will increase. This can be done once per

Champions Mode
     Win 10 bouts in Mac's Last Stand.

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