
No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

New Game+
Beat the game and save your data. When you start No More Heroes 2 again you will be brought to the intro fight where you have all your old equipment and items from the previous game.
Bitter Mode
Complete the game on Mild
BJ5 Video
Beat BJ5 game, then select from TV menu
Deathmatch (Boss Rush)
Beat the game, then select from main menu
E3 Trailer
Beat the game, then select from TV menu
No Jacket
Complete all the "Revenge" missions.
Step-In Slice
In your room, have Jeane lose weight by playing mini-games with her.
Step-In Slice attack
Have Jeane become less than 11 lbs
No More Heroes Masks
If you have a save file from the first game any of the masks you got will be displayed on the walls of your room.
Save Yourself from Death
When you run out of health, you can keep Travis from dying by shaking the Wii remote and nunchuck repeatedly as he begins to fall over. If you do it correctly, Travis will not die, and comes back with a small amount of health. This can be done up to five times before Travis finally dies. Note that this will not work if you run out of health while already laying on the ground.
BJ5 Extra Mode
Beat Hard Mode without losing one life to unlock extra mode, a difficulty one step higher than hard mode.

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