
MySims Agents

Secret Outfits
Press the following key combinations at the Create-a-Sim screen to unlock these secret outfits.
Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right
Unlocks the Astronaut Suit.
Right, Up, Right, Up, Down, Left, Down, Left
Unlocks the Black Ninja Outfit.
Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down, Up, Down
Unlocks the Stealth Suit.
Unlockable Recruits
Do the specified objectives to gain a new recruit for your HQ. This can involve completing a part of a game, doing dispatch missions, etc.
Annie Radd
Complete dispatch mission "Roadie Despair"
Complete the Snowy Mountains level
Elmira Clamp
Complete dispatch mission "Assistant Librarian"
Complete dispatch mission "Gonk Need Food, Badly"
Complete the Boudreaux Mansion level
Complete dispatch mission "Tainted Broth"
King Mike
Complete the Jungle Temple level
During Evelyn's house robbery case, dig around one of the holes west of the Forest Park. If you dig in the right hole, Leaf will be found
Complete dispatch mission "Snake on the Loose!"
Complete the Jungle Temple level
Madame Zoe
Complete the Boudreaux Mansion level
Complete the Jungle Temple level
Complete dispatch missions "High School Yearbook" and "Prom Date"
Complete dispatch missions "Magical Assistant" and "Magical Disaster"
Master Aran
Complete dispatch mission "Penguin Style"
Ms. Nicole Vogue
Complete the Boudreaux Mansion level
Complete dispatch mission "Failing Forest"
Complete dispatch mission "Blue Thing!"
Preston Winthrop
Complete the Snowy Mountains level
Professor Nova
Complete the Snowy Mountains level
Complete dispatch mission "Pig, Camera, Action!"
Complete the Evelyn robbery case
Rosalyn P. Marshall
Complete the Snowy Mountains level
Sir Spencer
Complete dispatch mission "H4XXOR3D!"
Sir Vincent Skullfinder
Complete the Jungle Temple level
Complete dispatch mission "Blade of Destiny"
Available to recruit by default once you become a special agent
Trevor Verily
Complete the Boudreaux Mansion level
Vic Vector
Complete the Snowy Mountains level
Violet Nightshade
Complete the Boudreaux Mansion level
Complete dispatch mission "Reagant Run"
Complete the Snowy Mountains level
Zombie Carl
Complete the Boudreaux Mansion level

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