
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Unlock Hyper Mode Difficulty
     Beat the game and you will get Hyper Mode Difficulty.

100% Ending
     Collect  all  100  pickups to view a secret ending clip after the
game credits.

Unlock Extended Ending
     Collect at least 75% or more of suit upgrades to view an extended
ending once you complete the game.

Reveal all item locations
     Go to the place in Skytown when you have to get the first part of
the  bomb  you  have to make using your ship. Near the bottom there is
some Phazite, shoot the switch inside to activate the satelite system.
Go  to the top and go around the walls using the spiderball tracks and
bomb  all  the  bomb  slots to get markers on your map for where every
expansion(missle,ship  missle,and  E  tanks)  is  in every part of the
game, except the items that are in the Valhalla.

Secret Message from Iwata
     When  in  Samus'  ship,  go  to the radio And press the following
symbols.  Going  from  left  to  right,  press  the second symbol, the
seventh  symbol, the fifth symbol and then the first symbol. You'll be
greeted by Iwata himself. Of course, this is in Japanese.

Bumper Stickers for your ship
     Having these games on your Wii system memory will cause your ship
to get decals when you enable the bumper sticker bonus:

Wii play
Wii sports
Zelda: Twilight Princess
Paper Mario
Metroid Prime 3

Unlockable Music
     The content below is unlockable in the game. You must use credits
earned  in the game (of all four varieties) to unlock anything. Listed
next to each piece of unlockable content is the number of each credits
youтАЩll  need  to  unlock  said content. B = Blue Credits, F = Friend
Credits, G = Gold Credits, and R = Red Credits.

Battle Theme (GF) - 2B/0F/1G/4R 
Battle Theme (Metroid) - 2B/0F/1G/4R 
Gandrayda - 2B/0F/1G/4R 
Gryyo - 2B/0F/1G/4RM 
Gryyo (Thorn Jungle) - 2B/0F/1G/4R 
Helios - 2B/0F/1G/4R 
In the Cockpit - 2B/0F/1G/4R 
Omega Ridley - 2B/0F/1G/4R 
Phaaze - 2B/0F/1G/4R 
Pirate Homeworld - 2B/0F/1G/4R 
Skytown - 2B/0F/1G/4R 
Steamlord - 2B/0F/1G/4R 
The Corruption - 2B/0F/1G/4R 
Title Screen - 2B/0F/1G/4R 
Valhalla - 2B/0F/1G/4R 

Hint: Kenji Yamamoto's Message
     Whenever  Samus is in her ship, open her computer terminal (where
there are eight button options, each a mysterious symbol). If youтАЩre
looking  at the buttons from left to right, numbering them one through
eight  (for  ease), insert this code: 3-6-4-8. If entered correctly, a
secret  message  from  NintendoтАЩs  very  own Kenji Yamamoto plays in

Hint: Shigeru Miyamoto's Message
     Whenever  Samus is in her ship, open her computer terminal (where
there are eight button options, each a mysterious symbol). If youтАЩre
looking  at the buttons from left to right, numbering them one through
eight  (for  ease), insert this code: 8-3-5-4. If entered correctly, a
secret  message  from  NintendoтАЩs very own Shigeru Miyamoto plays in

Hint: Secret Message from Yoshio Sakamoto
     When  in  Samus'  ship,  go  to the radio and press the following
symbols:  Going from left to right, press the fourth symbol, the sixth
symbol,  the  first  symbol and then the seventh symbol. You will then
hear a message from Mr. Sakamoto, co-creator of the Metroid Series!

Hint: Secret Message from Kensuke Tanabe
     When  in  Samus'  ship,  go  to the radio and press the following
symbols:  Going  from left to right, press the first symbol, the third
symbol,  the  eighth  symbol  and then the fifth symbol. You will then
hear a message from Mr. Tanabe!

Unlockable: Concept Art
     The content below is unlockable in the game. You must use credits
earned  in the game (of all four varieties) to unlock anything. Listed
next to each piece of unlockable content is the number of each credits
youтАЩll  need  to  unlock  said content. B = Blue Credits, F = Friend
Credits, G = Gold Credits, and R = Red Credits.

* Creatures (I) - 1B/0F/1G/3R
* Creatures (II) - 2B/1F/2G/3R
* Samus - 2B/0F/1G/3R
* Storyboards(I) - 2B/0F/1G/3R
* Storyboards(II) - 2B/1F/2G/3R
* World (I) - 1B/0F/1G/3R
* World (II) - 2B/1F/2G/3R

Unlockable: Extra Content
     The content below is unlockable in the game. You must use credits
earned  in the game (of all four varieties) to unlock anything. Listed
next to each piece of unlockable content is the number of each credits
youтАЩll  need  to  unlock  said content. B = Blue Credits, F = Friend
Credits, G = Gold Credits, and R = Red Credits.

* Bumper Stickers - 1B/2F/3G/3R
* Diorama (I) - 1B/1F/3G/3R
* Diorama (II) - 1B/1F/3G/3R
* Diorama (III) - 1B/1F/3G/3R
* Diorama (IV) - 1B/1F/3G/3R
* Diorama (V) - 1B/1F/3G/3R
* Diorama (VI) - 1B/1F/3G/3R
* Mii Bobblehead - 1B/2F/3G/3R
* Screenshot Taker - 1B/2F/3G/3R

Hint: Get Friend Vouchers Quickly
     You  can  get  a friend voucher for performing certain tasks that
you can trade with other players who have the game. Once traded, these
can  be  used for buying special extras. Among other things, you get a
voucher  for  every 100 kills (up to 1,000). An easy way to rake in 10
vouchers  is  to  look  for swarms of small, explosive bugs that crawl
around  the  levels after the Space Pirates attack. Just sit there and
zap 'em and you can get to 1,000 kills fairly quickly.

Unlockable: Hyper Missiles
     The Hyper Missiles are earned in Hyper Mode after getting to Seed
in Skytown. The Hyper Missile is the most powerful weapon in the game.

Hint: Friend Credit Tips

Bowling for Bots: 
     In Skytown, if you use Morph Ball to run over the Tinbots, you'll
gain  this  bonus.  Easiest place to do this is in the doughnut-shaped

Stylish Kill: 
     In  Skytown,  there's a Bridge area that collapses when you cross
it.  Before it falls, there's a fight with Tinbots and the Master Bot.
Ignore them and finish crossing the bridge. A cutscene with go off and
show the bot fall to their doom.

Hint: Killing Helios
     To  kill  Helios easily, fire at the open spots on his body until
he reveals his Phazon center. When he does this, quickly go into Hyper
Mode,  and  then  into  Morph Ball mode, and attack him quickly for an
easy kill.

Hint - Stop The Boss
     When  Aurora  Unit  313 is on the ground and spinning around, you
can use the Screw Attack to stun it. 

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