Special Awards
Unlockable: How to Unlock:
Participant Awarded for completing Campaign mode
on the Green difficulty setting.
Veteran Awarded for completing Campaign mode
on the Veteran difficulty setting.
Heroism Awarded for completing Campaign mode
on the Hero difficulty setting.
Marksmanship Awarded for completing a Mission with 75% accuracy.
Endurance Awarded for completing a Mission
without being critically injured once.
Green Survivor Awarded for completing a Mission on Green
without dying once.
Veteran Survivor Awarded for completing a Mission on Veteran
without dying once.
Hero Survivor Awarded for completing a Mission on Hero
without dying once.
Combat Basic Awarded for killing 100 enemy soldiers
on the battlefield.
Combat Senior Awarded for killing 250 enemy soldiers
on the battlefield.
Combat Master Awarded for killing 500 enemy soldiers
on the battlefield.
Sharpshooter Awarded for achieving 100 headshots
on the battlefield.
Pistol Combat Awarded for killing 50 enemy soldiers
with the Colt .45 or Luger pistol.
SMG Combat Awarded for killing 250 enemy soldiers
with the Thompson or MP40 sub machine guns.
LMG Combat Awarded for killing 150 enemy soldiers
with the BAR or STG44 light machine guns.
Rifle Combat Awarded for killing 50 enemy soldiers
with the M1 Garand or Karabiner 98K rifles.
Sniper Combat Awarded for killing 50 enemy soldiers
with the scoped Gewehr rifle
or the scoped Springfield rifle.
Shotgun Combat Awarded for killing 50 enemy soldiers
with the Shotgun.
Rocket Combat Awarded for killing 25 enemy soldiers
with the Bazooka or Panzerschrek rocket launcher.
Grenade Combat Awarded for killing 25 enemy soldiers
with grenades.
Machine Gun Combat Awarded for killing 50 enemy soldiers
with the MG42 machine gun.
Map Awards
Unlockable: How to Unlock:
Beach Attack Land on the beach with the 5th Rangers,
and push through the German defenses.
Sink U-boats Take out the three U-boats in the port area.
Destroy the Guns To protect the Allied bombers,
five Anti-Air gun batteries need to be knocked out.
Through the Sewers The Germans have holed up underground.
Go take them out while staying safe from
our bombardment.
Monastery Assault A key figure has set up a base of operations
in a remote monastery. Crack the defenses
and get whatever information you can.
Downed Agent Navigate through the minefield
and retrieve the information from the downed agent.
Destroy Train Fight your way through the fields
to the Train Station. Whatever is on that train
is too important to let go.
Base Demolition The time has come to put a permanent end
to the Fuhrer's pet project. You're our only hope.
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