
Mario Sports Mix

Unlockable Characters
In order to unlock these characters, you must perform the task specified for them. Keep in mind that if you unlock a character, they are only playable for the sport you carried out their task for.
Black Mage
Complete both Star Roads, located on the Star Cup map
Win 60 games
Clear the Mushroom Cup tournament
Complete one of the two Star Roads, located on the Star Cup map
Win 28 games
White Mage
Complete both Star Roads, located on the Star Cup map
Unlockable Stages
Perform the given task in order to unlock the stage stated. Standard exhibition, tournament and online matches all count for the stages that are unlocked through the given amount of completed matches. Some stages cannot be played on in certain sports.
Bowser's Castle
Defeat Bowser in the Star Cup.
Daisy Garden
Complete the Flower Cup. This stage is not compatible with Volleyball.
Ghost Ship
Play 40 matches.
Koopa Beach
Complete a match that is played on Koopa Beach in Tournament Mode.
Peach's Castle
Complete the Mushroom Cup.
Complete the Star Cup.
Waluigi Pinball
Play 35 matches. This stage is not compatible with Basketball.
Wario Factory
Complete a match that is played on Wario Factory in Tournament Mode.
Unlockable Tournament Difficulty Levels
Perform the given task in order to unlock the difficulty level stated.
Hard Mode
Complete all cups on normal.
Golden Sport Sets
To turn the Sport Set into Golden Sport Set, you need to complete Tournament mode on both Normal and Hard difficulty.
Golden Basketball
Complete Tournament mode on both Normal and Hard difficulty in Basketball
Golden Dodgeball
Complete Tournament mode on both Normal and Hard difficulty in Dodgeball
Golden Hockey
Complete Tournament mode on both Normal and Hard difficulty in Hockey
Golden Volleyball
Complete Tournament mode on both Normal and Hard difficulty in Volleyball
Sports Mix
Complete tournaments in each sport and you will fight Behemoth from Final Fantasy. Defeat him and you will unlock Sports Mix, a tournament that features all four sports.
Sports Mix
Complete tournaments in every sport and defeat Behemoth.

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