
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Hogwarts Crest Unlockables
     Collecting  so  many  crests  around Hogwarts will unlock certain
single and multi player things.

113 Hogwarts Crests:     Two Player Dueling Pack 4: Paved Courtyard 
                         Dueling Arena

129 Hogwarts Crests:     More mini-crests with each cast

14 Hogwarts Crests:      Two Player Dueling Pack 2: Training Ground 
                         Dueling Arena

21 Hogwarts Crests:      Dungbombs in prank boxes around Hogwarts

29 Hogwarts Crests:      Two Player Dueling Pack 2: Crabbe & Goyle

3 Hogwarts Crests:       Two Player Dueling Pack 1: Draco & Luna

38 Hogwarts Crests:      Score boost in flying events

48 Hogwarts Crests:      Exploding Cauldrons in prank boxes 
                         around Hogwarts

59 Hogwarts Crests:      Two Player Dueling Pack 4: The Transfiguration 
                         Dueling Arena

71 Hogwarts Crests:      Even More health in duels

8 Hogwarts Crests:       More health in duels

84 Hogwarts Crests:      Two Player Dueling Pack 5: Ginny & Hermione

98 Hogwarts Crests:      Love Potion in Potions Club

Locked Gates
     When  you see the shields behind the locked gates, use Wingardium
Leviosa  and  hit  it  into  a  wall  to break it. Lift the pieces out
through the gate and repair the pieces to get a shield.

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