
Dead Rising: Chop Til You Drop

Megaman Suit Parts
You must have beaten the game and unlocked the "2nd Ammendment" mini-game. (To complete the suit, you can find the Megaman Helmet in the toy store of the movie theater once it opens)
Megaman Boots
Beat all "2nd Ammendment" mini-games
Megaman Tights
Beat all "2nd Ammendment" mini-games with an "A" rank
Real Mega Buster
Beat all "2nd Ammendment" mini-games a "S" rank
Mini Games
Odd Jobs is basically how funny this game will get to it's fullest as each mission will make you laugh when you are trying to be serious. Second Amendments is a sniper mini game with the time for most of the missions is against you.
Odd Jobs
Beat the game.
Second Amendments
Beat the first four Odd Jobs missions.
New game+
After beating the game, you will now be able to play new game + with all of your inventory and level from the past game.
Bikini Outfit
Beat the game with an A ranking
Bionic Commando
Beat the game twice
Chicago Typewriter
Beat the game with an A rank on Normal
Megaman Boots
Beat all "2nd Ammendment" mini-games
Megaman Tights
Beat all "2nd Ammendment" mini-games with an "A" rank
Prisoner Garb (Costume)
Get S Rank On Prisoners Mission
Real Mega Buster
Beat all "2nd Ammendment" mini-games a "S" rank
Red 9
Complete the mission 'Lovers' with an S Rank
Riot Gun
S Rank On Dressed For Action
Semi-Auto Rifle
S Rank On "Mark Of The Sniper"
Ammo Belt Outfit
Beat the hidden mission "Gun Shop Stand Off" with an S rank to unlock the Ammo Belt Outfit.
Hockey Mask
Complete "The Cult" with an S Rank to unlock the Hockey Mask.
Cult Master Sword
Beat both Cult missions with an S Rank.
Obtain Killer 7 for free on first play through.
When playing through the game, you eventually get the ability to take the shortcut to Cletus' gun shop. After every few missions [Say after maybe two or three], go to his store, and purchase something. On one occasion, beside Cletus there will be a gun on the table to the left of him. (Your left) Examine it, and when the game prompts you on whether to pick it up or not, say no. Cletus will then tell you he's been working on it for you, since you are a good customer. Around the time you recieve the repaired Blacktail, you will recieve the Killer 7 as a gift from Cletus.
Free Killer 7
Gift from Cletus

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