Unlock the Custom ASE and Secret Agent skin
At the cheat menu, enter these codes to unlock the Custom ASE and
Secret Agent skin. These are the codes that came with the conduit
special edition, but they also work with the normal version of the
NewASE11: Custom ASE unlocked
SuitMP13: Secret Agent skin unlocked
Drone4SP: Drone unlocked
Game Cheats
These cheats can be unlocked after doing specific achievements,
after you've unlocked a cheat, to enable in, go to the Cheats Menu,
under Extras.
Feiry Death: Enemies Die As If They Had Been Killed By A Charged Shot:
Complete the "Secret Master" achievement
Fully Stocked: Infinite Ammo: Complete the "Annihilator Award"
Stopping Power: One Shot Kill: Complete the "Campaign Award" achievement
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