
X-Men vs. Street Fighter

Play as Akuma
     Go to the Player Select Screen. Highlight any top row characters.
Press Up. The hidden box with Akuma's face will appear.

Tag Team in Vs. Mode (Japanese)
     Go  to  the  mode selection screen (where you choose Arcade Mode,
Vs.  etc.)  and  QUICKLY  press  Square, Square, Right, X, L1. If done
correctly, the option screen will appear.

Play as Chun-Li From Street Fighter Alpha
     At  the  Character Selection screen, highlight Chun-li then press
and  hold  SELECT  for  5 seconds. Press any button to play as Chun-Li
with her outfit from Street Fighter Alpha.

American EX Options Menu
     At  the  Main  Menu,  quickly  press:  Triangle, Triangle, Right,
Circle,  L1.  You  can then choose between original and EX modes, plus
you can set the game to always give you a full super bar.

Easy Way to Beat Apocolpyse
     The  best  person  to  beat  Apocolpyse  is to Storm and Magneto,
Chun-Li  and  Cyclops.  Whenever  you  begin to fight with Chun-Li and
Cyclops  super  jump  and  lighting kick his hand then when your power
gets  up  to three preform the team super move. Do the same thing with
Storm  but do the Double Typhoon until it gets to level three then the
team super move.

Gambit's Monstrous Combo
     First have your super bar at level 3, and of course be playing as
Gambit. Then, do Gambit's Royal Flush super. If it connects, cancel it
after  at  least the 33rd hit while the super is still going on with a
second  Royal  Flush.  Then, when the combo counter reads at least 62,
cancel  the second Royal Flush while it is still going on with a third
Royal Flush. You will have 99+ hits! (Although the combo counter stops
at  99.)  Note that this will work only if the opponent is standing on
the  ground. If he/she is slightly in the air, the cards Gambit throws
will not hit the opponent as much times.

Taunt Your Opponent
     After  winning a round, press Start and you'll be able to kick or
taunt your defeated opponent.

Play as Apocalypse
     Beat  the  game on the hardest difficulty. When they ask for your
initials  type  APO. Go to vs. Highlight Akuma (hit up on the top row)
and  hold select and hit a button. You got him. Only one player can be
him, so whoever does it first gets him.

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