
X-Men: Children of the Atom

Play as Akuma, Player 1
     At  the Character Select screen, place the cursor on Spiral, then
hold  it  there  for  three  seconds.  Then  put  your cursor on these
characters in the following order: Silver Samurai, Psylocke, Colossus,
Iceman,  Colossus,  Cyclops, Wolverine, Omega Red, and Silver Samurai.
When  you  stop  on Silver Samurai, wait for three seconds, then press
Light  Kick,  Hard Kick and Hard Punch simultaneously. If this is done
right,  the  announcer  will say "Silver Samurai", but Akuma will drop
down and take his place as your character.

Play as Akuma, Player 2
     At  the  Character  Select screen, put your cursor on Storm, then
hold  it  there  for  three  seconds.  Then,  put your cursor on these
characters   in   the  following  order:  Cyclops,  Colossus,  Iceman,
Sentinel,  Omega Red, Wolverine, Psylocke, Silver Samurai, and Spiral.
(The  button  movements  for this sequence are in the following order:
Right,  Down,  Left,  Left, Left, Down, Right, Right) When you stop on
Spiral,  press Light Kick, Hard Kick and Hard Punch simultaneously. If
this  is  done  correctly,  the announcer will say "Spiral", but Akuma
will drop down to take his place as your character.

Quick Continue
     At the Continue screen, press L1, L2, R1, R2, Start.

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