
Thousand Arms


     When  traveling overland, keep the minimap open (Triangle button)
to  avoid getting lost. Head for the dots that represent landmarks and
special locations.

     During  the  dating  minigames,  keep a piece of paper and pencil
handy  to jot down the sequences you're supposed to repeat. After all,
all's fair in love and war.

     Don't  squander your money on gifts for your dates until later in
the  game  when  you  can afford it. Early on, just concentrate on the
minigames and sightseeing to raise your date's mood rating.

     When  traveling overland, keep the minimap open (Triangle button)
to  avoid getting lost. Head for the dots that represent landmarks and
special locations.

     During  the  dating  minigames,  keep a piece of paper and pencil
handy  to jot down the sequences you're supposed to repeat. After all,
all's fair in love and war.

     Don't  squander your money on gifts for your dates until later in
the  game  when  you  can afford it. Early on, just concentrate on the
minigames and sightseeing to raise your date's mood rating.

More damage:
     Repeatedly  press  Forward  +  X when the options appear during a
battle  with  normal  weapons. If done correctly, your attacks will do
more damage or will be executed quicker.

More dates:
     You  can  date extra characters in the game. One of them is Palma
Estarte-  she  is  one  of the priestess in the langoud(the giant ship
town.)  You can date her if the Langoud was fixed and after you defeat
Dianova. You can also date the first girl you saw dur ing the prologue
of  the game, she's the one with the backpack. You can date her if you
come  back to Kant. After reaching Myscatonia and receiving warp, talk
to  the  girl standing still at the tree repeatedly. Eventually she'll
ask  you  a  question  several t imes. Answer that you saw her earlier
then  you can date her. You can also date Kanouka (Soushi's sister) if
you  have  the  warp  from  Metalia  go  back  to Boyzby town. Go to a
restaurant  you'll  see a girl that is Kanouka. Talk to her afterwards
and you can da te her. You can also date Metalia in Myscatonia and the
girl who fixed Langoud.

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