
Star Wars: Demolition

Various Cheats
     At  the  Jedi Mind Trick screen, press L + R and enter any of the
following "Codes":

Code                     Effect 
WATTO_SHOP               All Characters 
RAISE_THEM               Invincibility 
FIRERATEUP               Rapid Fire 
THROTTLEUP               Fast Mode 
LOW_MO_ON                Slow-Motion Mode 
MULTI_CARS               Same Multiplayer Vehicle 
EXTRABUTTS               Alternate Controller Config 
NO_PEEKING               Random Mode 
NO_BADDIES               No Battle Mode Enemies 
MOVIE_SHOW               Winning FMVs 
SAD_MOVIES               Losing FMVs 
BFM_FEELIT               High Gravity 
LO_GRAV_ON               Low Gravity 

Unlock characters:
     Beat  the  game  with  at least 10.000 credits with the following
characters to unlock more characters:

Beat with...        unlock: 
Boba Fett & Wade Vox         Tamtel Shreej 
General Otto & Tia & Ghia    Pugwis 
Aurra Sing & Quagga          Wittin 
Tamtel                       Shreej, Pugwis, & Wittin Malakili 
Malakili                     Boushh, Darth Maul, & Lobot 

Droid locations:

Tatooine: Mos Eisley
     Notice  the  two buildings of the same shape in the center of the
area.  Move to the one without the Droid power-up in front of it. Next
to this building is a separate building with a slope. Use it to get on
top  of the building. Drive forward into one of the twin buildings and
you  will  be  transported through the second twin building, acquiring
the power droid.

     Blast  the  sunken  A-Wing  until  it explodes -- all three droid
power-ups will fall out of the wreckage.

Tatooine: Dune Sea
     Blast  the  Sand  Crawler  until  it stops moving. Enter the open
mouth  of the Sand Crawler to receive a droid power-up. Repeat this to
get a different droid.

     Destroy  any  of  the three probe droids that are floating around
the area. Each carries a different droid power-up.

The Death Star II
     Destroy  the TIE Fighters or wait for them to destroy each other.
They will drop a droid power-up upon their demise.

Yavin 4
     Destroy  any  of  the  three  guard  towers  to  release  a droid
power-up. Each of the three towers has a different droid.

     Bump  the  chess  pieces  into their opposing pieces to receive a
droid  power-up.  Note:  Some  chess  pieces  will  release  different

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