
South Park Rally

Cheat mode:
     Beat  championship  mode  without  using any tokens to unlock all
cheats, tracks, cars and skins.

Bonus music:
     Put  the  game disc in a CD player to play samples and music from
the game.

Coin locations:
(Try to beat every track while getting all the coins)
Race 01 After checkpoint 2 behind the second set of buildings.
Race 02 On the end of the train tracks by bridge.
Race 03 In the building that has nothing but hay.
Race 04 Outside the entrance to the discoroom from the river.
Race 05 Before check point two go up right hill to pools of yellow liquid.
Race 06 In front of the building by cemetary.
Race 07 Leaveing start line go up hill to right.
Race 08 Go up the red carpeted ramp leading to cows and barrells.
Race 09 First patch of lava on the very far left going to laser.
Race 10 Side of building by checkpoint two.
Race 12 Middle of tire jump in buiding.
Race 13 Parking lot behind car by checkpoint three. 
Pot Pie locations:
(unlocks stuff)
Race 04 One on each of the towers and one behind Brian Boytanos picture 
in  river.
Race 07 By waterfall on cliff T&P boost needed to reach pie.
Race 10 Has one pot pie by every checkpoint behind buildings and hills. 
Golden Cow locations:
(unlocks stuff)
Race 07 Top of big grey building.
Race 09 By flowing lava on the right by checkpoint 4.

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