Entering Cheat Mode
Normal cheat mode
Pause the game and press Circle, X, Square, Select. This allows
one of the following codes to be used a limited number of times per
mission. Note: This code must be entered again if a new mission is
Extended cheat mode
Fire the laser and pause the game while the laser is still
visible. Press Square, X, Square, Circle, Triangle, Circle, Triangle,
Select. This allows one of the following codes to be used an unlimited
number of times.
Enter cheat mode, pause the game and press Square, X, Triangle.
Smart bomb:
Enter cheat mode, pause the game and press Square, X, Circle.
Super laser:
Enter cheat mode, pause the game and press Circle(2), X, Circle,
Triangle, Square.
Mission completed:
Enter cheat mode, pause the game and press Square, X, Square(2),
Enter cheat mode, pause the game and press Circle, X, Square.
Hold L1 or L2 and press Left or Right to roll.
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