Energy Regain:
When you get knocked down in a fight, hit the buttons rapidly -
X, Square, Triangle and Circle. this will regain your energy. (note:
you can also hit the buttons X, Square, Triangle and Circle when you
knock someone down, and that will also regain your e nergy.
Fighting Tips - Turbo Mode/Rumble Mode:
When you get "rumble" hit and hold R1 and L1 at the same time,
then you will get the tourbo mode which gives you infinite stamina.
Selene Strike move:
Press Forward, Forward, Triangle, Back, Back, X to throw a spear.
Champ class boxers:
Enter championship mode and enter CHAMP as a gym name. Exit
championship mode and enter arcade mode to have access to all the
boxers including Damien Black.
Gold class boxers:
Enter championship mode and enter GOLD as a gym name. Note: This
also unlocks Nat Daddy in arcade mode.
Silver class boxers:
Enter championship mode and enter SILVER as a gym name. Note:
This also unlocks Bruce Blade in arcade mode.
Bronze class boxers:
Enter championship mode and enter BRONZE as a gym name. Note:
This also unlocks Kemo Claw in arcade mode.
Alternate costumes:
Press Square + Circle at the character selection screen.
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