Cheat codes:
10x Trick Score Multiplier:
During gameplay, pause the game and: Hold L1 and press Square,
Circle, Circle, Up, Down, Down
+8 Mins. Of Extra Trick Time (Career Mode):
During gameplay, pause the game and: Hold L1 and press Square,
Up, Circle, X
Special Tricks Meter Always Full:
During gameplay, pause the game and: Hold L1 and press Left,
Down, Triangle, Circle, Up, Left, Triangle, Square. Re-enter code to
nullify it.
Unlimited Balance:
During gameplay, pause the game and: Hold L1 and press Square,
Left, Up, Right
Big Wheels Mode:
During gameplay, pause the game and: Hold L1 and press Down,
Circle, Circle, Down
Hard Mode (Divides All Trick Scores By 10):
During gameplay, pause the game and: Hold L1 and press Up, Down,
Up, Circle, Circle, Square
Display Special Grind Meter:
During gameplay, pause the game and: Hold L1 and press Left,
Circle, Square, Triangle, Square, Circle, X
Unlock Tony Hawk:
Using any rider, beat the game with 2 Gold Medals and 30 Covers.
Unlock Grandma:
Without letting the timer run out, Retry any Career Mode Level 10
Unlock Warehouse Park:
From THPS String together a bunch of tricks that are worth
200,000 points or more. NOTE: You must do this without using any other
programmers cheats like, oh, say the Trick Score Multiplier.
Unlock Burnside Park:
From THPS Use all 8 riders to beat the game, each with 2 Gold
Medals and 30 Covers.
Unlock Grandma's Video:
Use Grandma to place in any of the 2 competition levels.
Unlock Rider Videos:
Use the rider whose video you want to unlock, and earn a Gold
Medal on both of the competition levels.
Unlock Bails Video:
Use Tony Hawk on the competition levels to get any 2 Medals.
Mat Hoffman moves:
Superman seatgrab truck driver: Left, Left, Circle
Decade air: Right, Right, Circle
No Footed One Handed Candybar: Left, Right, Circle
One Handed Swing Leg: Right, Right, Square
Seat grind 180: Up, Down, Left, R1, Triangle
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