
Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash Of The Super Heroes EX


Fight as Roll:
     Successfully  complete  the  game as Megaman under any difficulty
setting.  Then,  press  Right  at  Megaman  on the character selection
screen. The unlocked character can be saved to a memory card.

Fight as Gold War Machine:
     Successfully   complete   the  game  as  War  Machine  under  any
difficulty  setting.  Then,  press  Up  at  top  right  corner  of the
character  selection  screen. The unlocked character can be saved to a
memory card.

Fight as Red Venom:
     Successfully  complete  the  game  as  Venom under any difficulty
setting.  Then,  press  Up  at  the  top  left corner of the character
selection  screen.  The  unlocked  character  can be saved to a memory

Fight as Orange Hulk:
     Successfully  complete  the game as the Hulk under any difficulty
setting.  Then,  press Up at the top middle of the character selection
screen. The unlocked character can be saved to a memory card.

Fight as Shadow Lady:
     Successfully  complete  the  game as Chun Li under any difficulty
setting.  Then,  press  Down  at  the  bottom  left  of  the character
selection  screen.  The  unlocked  character  can be saved to a memory

Fight as Lilith:
     Successfully  complete  the game as Morrigan under any difficulty
setting.  Then,  press  Down  at  the  bottom  center of the character
selection  screen.  The  unlocked  character  can be saved to a memory

Fight as Onslaught:
     Successfully  complete  the  game  as  any  character  under  any
difficulty  setting.  Then,  press  Down at Wolverine on the character
selection screen.

Fight as Mech. Zangief:
     Highlight  Zangief  then  press and hold Start or Select then hit
any punch or kick. Hold Start or Select until the match begins.

Use Sentinel as a special tag partner:
     Successfully  complete  the  game  as  Onslaught. Then, highlight
Colossus and press Down at the special partner selection screen.

Use Shadow as a special tag partner:
     Successfully  complete  the game as Chun Li or Shadow Lady. Then,
highlight  Iceman  and  press  Down  at  the special partner selection

Fight with Gouki's moves:
     Highlight Ryu at the character selection screen in any mode. Hold
Start and press any button. When game play begins, Ryu will be able to
do all of Gouki's moves.

Fight with Ken's moves:
     Highlight Ryu at the character selection screen in any mode. Hold
Select  and  press any button. When game play begins, Ryu will be able
to do all of Ken's moves.

EX menu:
     Highlight  the  "Options"  selection  at the main menu, then hold
Select  and  press  Start.  The  EX menu allows the hyper combo gauge,
vitality  recovery  speed,  and human/CPU controls for players one and
two to be set.

Switch main character with your partner:
     Hold L1 until the match begins to switch your main character with
your partner. This can be done in any mode.

Rockman's Magnetic Shockwave:
     Successfully  complete the game as Rockman . Highlight Rockman at
the character selection screen, then hold Select and press any button.
Press  Down,  Down/Back, Back + 2P during a match. Rockman will do his
Magnetic Shockwave move. This will take a level from your gauge.

Change Ryu to Ken or Akuma:
     Pick  Ryu as your character. After his ex reaches level 1 perform
his  hurricane  kick(half  moon)  but instead of pressing a kick press
hard punch to change to Akuma or medium punch to change to Ken.

Using special attacks with a touch of only one button for each combos:
     When  the  marvel  vs.  capcom  logo appears, quickly press X, X,
Circle,  Square,  Triangle,  Circle,  Circle,  X, X, Square, Triangle,
Ttriangle.  The  screen will automaticly disappear and turns green and
the  game  will  automaticly  restart. Play the game and you will have

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