To enter these codes, pause the game, and hold L1 and L2 for 10
seconds. While holding down L1 & L2 press the following:
Square, Down, Down, Square, Down, Down
Maximum Weapons:
Down, Right, Down, Right, Triangle.
Skip Level:
X, R1, Triangle, R1, Square, Circle, R2, R2, X, Square, Triangle,X
More Smart bombs:
R1, R2, X, Triangle, Square, Circle, R1, R2, Circle, Circle, Square
More Lives:
Left, Down, Right, Triangle, Square, X, Circle.
Ammo Refill:
Down, Right, Circle, Left, Right, Circle.
Health Refill:
Left, Right, Left, Down, Down, Up, Triangle, Circle. or Right,
Right, Left, Down, Down, Up, Triangle, Circle.
Extra player on the character screen:
R1, R2, Select, Start
Level select:
Up, Right, Down, Left, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, X, Triangle,
Square, Circle.
Weapon Power-up:
To enhance the carnage, pause the game and hold L1 + L2 for 10
seconds. With these buttons held, press Down, Right, Down, Right,
Triangle. From here on you can power up by pausing the game and
selecting the Power option that appears.
Play as bloody body (glitch):
Put the healing code in first. When you die, pause the game and
go to healing. Click on it, and you will play as a bloody body. You
can't get a key or shoot though.
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