All Tracks
Set the game to Master difficulty and 5 laps per race. Next,
press X on Lil' Dave then return to the title screen. Press Up, Down,
Left, Right, R2, R1, L2, L1, within 4 seconds. Set the game to 3 laps
per race and press X on Wild Ride, then return to the title screen.
Press Up, Left, Down, Right, Square, R2, Circle, L2, with 4 seconds.
You will hear a tone if done correctly. Now set the game to Amateur
with Turbos Off. Press X on Bomber and return to the title screen.
Press Up, Down, Left, Right , Up, Down, Left, Right, within 4 seconds.
Go back to Options and set the difficulty to Professional with turbos
on. Finally, press R2, R1, L1, L2, R2, R1, L1, L2.
Race as Enigma
Go to the Options Menu, set the difficulty to Master and set laps
per race to 6. Now go back to the Main Menu and press Left, Square,
Down, Triangle, Right, Circle, L1, R1
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