Unlock All Tracks
Go to the Options screen and set the Difficulty to Amateur. Ten
set the Trophy Presenter to Male. Return to the Main Screen by
pressing Start and press Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left
on controller 1. Next, return to the Options screen by pressing Left
once, then X. Now set the Difficulty to Professional. Set the Trophy
Presenter to Rider's Choice. Then return to the Main Screen by
pressing Start and press Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right
on controller 1.
Easier Tricks
Once you have beat the game, a bubble will appear saying "Codes
Enabled". Press Down, Circle, Left, L1, Left, Right, Left, Right at
this screen. You may also enter the "Cheats Enabled Message" code
below, without having to beat the game.
View All the Endings
Go to the Options Menu and set the difficulty to Amateur, turn
off the Turbos, and turn off the Grapple. Next, select the credits
while holding down L2 on controller 1.
Cheats Enabled Message
Go to the Options Menu and set the difficulty to Professional.
Next, set the laps per race to 6. Now exit the options and press
Circle, Cirlce, Circle, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Triangle.
Various Codes
After you have the bubble saying "Cheats Enabled", you may enter
any of the following codes:
Effect Code
2-Player CPU AI Circle, Square, R2, Circle, Triangle, L2, Right, Up
Super Agility Down, Circle, Left, L1, Left, Left, Right, Left, Right
Zero Resistance Square, L1, Triangle, Right, L1, Down, R2, Triangle
Double Stunt Points Right, Up, Circle, L2, Triangle, Circle, R1, R2
Show Off Camera Triangle, Down, Square, Triangle, L1, L1, R1, R1
Air Brakes R1, R2, Right, L2, Up, Circle, Up, Circle
Rocket Racer Triangle, Up, Up, L2, L2, Up, Up, Up
Unlimited Turbos Triangle, Circle, Right, R2, Up, Square, Up, Triangle
Ice Racing Up, R2, R1, Right, L1, Square, Right, Right
All Boards
Go to the Options Menu, set skill level to Amateur and trophy
presenter to Male. Exit Options and press Up, Right, Down, Left, Left.
Go back into Options and set skill level to Professional and trophy
presenter to Rider's Choice. Go back out and press Up, Left, Down,
Right, Right.
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