Fat players:
Pause the game and type X, Circle, Circle, Circle, Down, Up, Up,
Left and R1
Invisible walls:
Pause the game, then hold R2 and press Square, X, X, X, Up, Circle.
Finding Ronaldo:
He is No. 9 and plays for the Italian side, Inter Milan, and the
Brazilian national team.
Finding Pele:
He is No. 10 and plays for the Classic Brazilian team side,
Santos '62-'63, and the Classic Brazilian national team (Brazil '58
and Brazil '70).
Finding Romario:
He is No. 11 and plays for the Brazilian team side, Flamengo.
Finding Youri Djorkaeff:
He is No. 14 and plays for the German side, Kaiserslautern.
EA Sports teams:
Choose the "Rest Of World" category when selecting your team,
then you should find teams named EA 1, EA 2, EA 3 and EA 4.
Special Guests team:
Choose the "Rest Of World" category when selecting your team,
then you should find a team named Special Guests.
Easy goal:
Take the ball right to the corner then run in and as soon as the
keeper runs to get the ball pass back out to a other player out or
inside the box and there you have it a very easy goal.
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