

Password screen:
     Press Circle at the course selection screen.

Cyber Badlands Course:
     Press  Circle  on  the  course  selection  screen, then enter the
password HARESO.

Cyber Sawgrass Course:
     Press  Circle  on  the  course  selection  screen, then enter the
password SECARE.

Canyons course:
     Press  Circle  on  the  course  selection  screen, then enter the
password NAMOPI.

Summerlin course:
     Press  Circle  on  the  course  selection  screen, then enter the
password PORASO.

Unlock all of the courses:
     Press  Circle  on  the  course  selection  screen, then enter the
password POQAKI

Play as Martian:
     Enter Ufo as the name of your golfer at the edit name screen.

Unlock The Volcano Course:
     Enter Sthelens as the name of your golfer at the edit name screen.

New golfers:
     On  the  name  edit  screen  type in the names seperately "Brat",
"Willie", and "Retro" to get three more new golfers!

Unlock the Forged Irons:
     You will unlock the forged irons after you shoot an eagle on any hole.

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