To enter these codes, place the cursor over the corresponding
symbols on the sidebar, and then press cancel (the Circle Button on
the default settings.)
Square, Circle, Triangle, X, Circle, Circle.
Easy Money:
X, X, Square, Circle, Circle, Circle.
Instant Win:
Circle, Circle, Triangle, X, X, Square.
Square, X, Circle, X, Triangle, Triangle.
Nuclear Attack:
Circle, X, Circle, Circle, X, Square
X, X, X, Circle, Triangle, Square.
Reveal Map:
Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle, Triangle, Square
Harvest people instead of ore:
Square, X, Square, X, Square, X.
Instant loss:
Circle, X, Circle, Square, Square, X.
Civilians have names:
Square, Square, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Triangle.
Free Iron Curtain:
Square, X, Circle, X, Triangle, Triangle. You can protect several
buildings at once, or several vehicles.
Chrono Storm:
If you've noticed, when you chronoshift a couple of times, a
strange orb will appear on the map, slowly floating around. The orb is
a chrono storm that will electricute ANYTHING that comes near. If it
heads directly to your base, kiss a good section of it goodbye. A
Chrono storm has a 30% chance of being created every chronoshift. It
appears randomly on the map, so be careful not to get carried away
chrono shifting.
Strange equipment:
Play map 51 in skirmish or link mode for Allied helicopters
firing V2 rockets and Soviets with Allied tanks.
Super civilians:
Play map 41 or 43 in skirmish or link mode for super civilians.
The green civilians fire Nukes and the blue civilians have Tesla Beams
instead of pistols. Use a mad tank for maximum damage.
"It came from Red Alert":
After beating all the missions, go to Ireland. A quite humoruos
feature call "It came from Red Alert" feature giant ants.
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