Note! This title is also known as Puzzle Bobble 4X
Another world:
At the title screen, press Triangle, Left, Right, Left, Triangle.
Bonus characters:
At the title screen, press Right, Right, Triangle, Left, Left.
Tarot option:
At the title screen, press Up, Triangle, Down, Triangle, Up.
Tarot option:
Another way to open the tarot card reading is to beat the super
challenging standard game.
Talk Demo option:
First enable both Bonus characters and Tarot option. Then at the
title screen, press Square, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Square, Down,
Left, Up, Right, Down, Square.
Unlock characters:
Another way to unlock all of the characters is to play the
computer in vs. mode. If you beat the computer you will be able to
play as that character
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